“We Need To Go”: People Share Panicked Moments Just Before Disaster Struck

Nobody goes out in search of unsavory situations, but sometimes, they’re unavoidable. Sometimes you can just feel them coming on—a tinge in the air, telling you that everything is about to go horribly wrong.

That’s when you know it’s time to push that FOMO to the curb, follow your gut, and get outta dodge. These Redditors all had that thought cross their minds: "I need to go."

They got out of bad situations right in the nick of time, often before all chaos broke loose. It just goes to show that you should always trust your gut. It could be the difference between life, and a tragic end.

1. Parents Can Have Sleepovers Too

I went to a giant sleepover when I was 8 or 9 for a friend's birthday. He had all his friends over and his parents had also invited some friends over as well. As the night winded down, we all went into my buddy’s room to jam some Super Smash Bros.

Fast forward to about 2 AM. Most of the boys had fallen asleep, save for a few of us.

I had to go to the bathroom horribly. I was holding everything in as I was terrified of using other people's bathrooms and making a mess or smelling up the place. Eventually, I asked my friend where the bathroom was.

I still don't know if I misheard him or was just stupid and forgot the minute I walked out of the room, but I somehow ended up at his parents door.

I opened it up full force—I will never, ever forgot what I saw next. I found myself staring at his mother in bed with this dude who’d been at the party, while his dad was sitting in the corner with the dude’s wife.

I opened the door so quick they didn't even have time to semi-hide what they were doing. So there I was, 9 years old, frozen in place staring at his parents mid-swap with another couple.

I still see their faces to this day. The only reason I know they were swinging as I could see every single one of their faces. They all just looked at me trying to process what just happened.

After a good five seconds of silence, finally the father yelled to get out and I just shut the door. I stood there for what seemed like hours.

I finally made my way back to my friend’s room, completely forgetting about my full bowels, and just laid down. I laid there all night, wide awake, till 7 AM when my mom picked me up.

I never told anyone and NEVER went to another sleepover at my friend’s house or even went inside his house again, in fear of having to see his parents and having that talk with them.


Confused guy and scared child split image

2. Professionals Only

I was visiting Kowloon in Hong Kong, I ended up walking all day until my feet were hurting me. It got dark outside and I was tired, so I decided to drop by a decent looking bar for a drink and a moment to rest my feet.

It was all empty except a group of serious-looking local men in suits. They kept leering at me the whole time.

It was the most awkward drink I’ve ever had. None of them said a word, but I got the message: "You're not supposed to be here."


Awkward Moments Facts


3. The Archery Kid

A guy sitting next to me at university was assembling a freaking crossbow. I got out of there fast


Ancient China facts

Flickr, Gary Todd

4. Not My Woodstock

Woodstock ‘99. Felt the energy of the grossly over-packed crowd, the building rage, and looked at my friends and said, “We need to go.” They stayed, I left.

Shortly after, fires and riots started and my friends lost everything they had with them. Tents, clothes, food, everything. When you have 300k people shoulder to shoulder in 104° humidity, charge $4.

00 for a bottle of water, and have half as many bathrooms as needed, you're gonna have a bad time.


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