These Stories Of Unforgettable Close Calls Made Our Jaws Drop

Waking up...and seeing a stranger in the room. Stepping off the curb...only to narrowly miss being hit by a car. Meeting an online friend...only to find out they’re hiding a dark secret.

Life is unpredictable, and you can never tell what's lurking around the corner. These Redditors came together to share stories about times when they got a little too close for comfort with danger.

People get into close calls every day—but their stories are rarely as unforgettable as these.

#1 No Better Deal Than Seeing the Rest of Your Life

I'm allergic to bees. One time I got stung while sitting at a red light. It was a rental and I forgot my bag. No EpiPen. I turned into a car dealership and yelled at them to call 9-1-1.

Within four minutes (which felt like an eternity), my throat completely closed. The last thing I remember is the guy who was with me yelling that I was blue.

I don't know how long I was out, but as soon as the EMTs pushed the epinephrine, I sprung back to life. Thank goodness they got there so quickly. The next day I brought the dealership and the EMTs baskets with cookies.


Near-Death Experiences Facts


#2 Just in Time to Say Goodbye

My grandma got diagnosed with cancer about a month ago. We caught it late so there wasn't much we could do. She was too old and weak for chemo, so we decided against that. Last Sunday I just had a gut feeling I had to fly out to visit her. So, I did that, got back on Wednesday. She passed away Friday, a few weeks earlier than the prognosis predicted.

I'm really glad I was able to see her one last time.


Mental Health Facts


#3 Almost Slipped Away From You

When I was little my family went to Mexico for a holiday vacation. I was playing in the ocean when I felt myself being pulled out to sea.

My parents were distracted, but I remember looking up at my sister screaming just as my head went under the water.

I’m not sure how long I was underwater, but two guys came out of nowhere, dragged me out of the water, and as quickly as they appeared, they were gone.

My parents looked all over the beach and never found them.


Near-Death Experiences Facts


#4 Saved By a Lace

While walking down a street in a Nicaragua, I noticed my shoelaces were getting loose. At which point, I had a 'gut feeling' that I should stop and retie them, to avoid untied shoelace related accidents and injuries.  In the 10 seconds I took to tie my sneakers, a bus stop with five people at it, about 10 seconds walk from where I was standing, got laid flat by an out of control bus.

The people that had been waiting for the bus were now under it.


Gut Feeling Facts
