These Awful Job Interviews Make Unemployment Look Good

The job-hunting process is work in itself and everyone hates going through it. It makes us ask ourselves, “How am I supposed to get experience if you won’t give me any?”

Besides the rejection e-mails or hearing nothing at all, there are just some interviews that are a disaster from the get-go. You’re definitely not the only victim of terrible interviews.

Here, people have shared their rude, creepy, or bizarre interview moments, so we can all cringe together.

1. Bad Math Strikes Again

It was a sales position at an air filter company. He liked me enough to start talking salary, which is where I noped out.

Basically, it was a ridiculously complicated system where I could make up to a certain amount, but really realistically, I'd be making less than minimum wage. He kind of got red-faced and angry when I kept saying, "

But wait, this means I'll be making like $5/hour. I must not be understanding this right because you advertised this position as $40k/year. Can you explain? Am I missing something?"

Basically, he would rope people in with bad math and false promises and when they didn't make any money, he'd say that they'd agreed to it. They'd quit and the cycle would begin again. Once this became clear, I politely declined and left.


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2. Lost Innocence

As a teen I was so delighted there was an opening at the Humane Society, Seattle’s local pet rescue and adoption center. I filled out the application. When handing it in, I was posed a question that made my blood run cold. They asked if I was comfortable loading and unloading the crematorium. Growing up comes in one little chunk of horror at a time.


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3. College Graduate/Royalty, Same Thing

I was in the process of moving home from college and trying to get myself situated in life, so I needed a part-time job to hold me over while I figured things out.

I applied for a job at Chipotle, because it was pretty similar to the job I had while I was in school. The interviewer asked me, “If you actually have a college degree, why are you applying here?” in a very condescending way.

So, I basically told him I’m moving home from college and need something to hold me over for a while and he made an “Mhmm” sound. Then for the rest of the interview, he made a point to bring up the fact that I had a college degree.

For example: “Growth within the company is very possible if you want it, should be easy for someone with a college degree.”

They called me a few hours after the interview with a job offer, but I knew that working there was going to be hell, so I turned it down.


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4. A Bald Threat

The owner of the company full-on threatened me. She told me that she’d come to my house and cut off all my hair if I ever shared any information with her competitors. I never shared any info about the company, but you better believe I told everyone what she had said to me.


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