These Spiteful Exes Take "Revenge" To The Next Level

We’ve all had a breakup (or three). Sometimes we’re on the receiving end and having our hearts broken, while other times we’re the ones breaking the unpleasant news to someone we once loved.

Either way, it’s never fun—but our worst split was probably nothing like these horrific breakups and spiteful exes. After all, you know what they say about a lover scorned...

1. Spread The Love

My ex-wife started sleeping with my best friend of 14 years as soon as we separated, but I'm pretty sure that their affair started before that, when we were still married. Yep, not only did my ex crush my soul, she also took my best friend.

Oh, and he was also married throughout the whole time. I hear they have a baby now…and he is still married to his wife. Whatever. I hope karma comes for them soon.


Spiteful ex


2. The Calm Before The Storm

My ex is a physician and an addict, so she can manipulate with the best of them. When we decided to split, it was quite clear who was in the wrong, and we agreed that the debt she had accumulated through her multiple tours in rehab (well north of $100K) would stay with her. We didn't have any children, or any joint property to cause any fights over, so the divorce seemed pretty straight forward. Or so I thought.

She got a lawyer to help her get through the proceedings, meanwhile I didn't plan on getting one for myself to save costs (obvious mistake).

I was supposed to go to her attorney's office to sign some paperwork, but kept having trouble reaching someone at the office to schedule a time for me to stop by—I know, I know, this was totally another red flag too.

My ex's lawyer emailed her that day saying that he hadn't heard from me yet, but the lawyer accidentally forwarded this email to me…without realizing that she was forwarding me the entire email chain that she had with her counsel. Oops! In the emails, my ex very clearly stated that she wanted to slap me with the rehab debt, stating that I was "complicit in her use."

This was totally false, by the way. Needless to say, I went pretty crazy, and immediately hired the most cutthroat lawyer I could find. My lawyer was awesome, and he routinely put her in her proper place.


Spiteful ex


3. Picking Sides

My ex's friend coordinated for all our mutual friends and acquaintances to delete me on Facebook at the same time, two months after the breakup. They're all in their 20s. I was not impressed. Coincidentally, within the same week of this happening I got three emails from Facebook about password change requests, so I guess someone wanted to get into my account, too.


Spiteful ex


4. Act Your Age

My high school girlfriend's mother worked at our high school, and so she basically knew all of my friends' parents. When we broke up, the ex's mom spread dirty rumors about me to all of those parents. Real mature, Sandra.


Spiteful ex
