Shameless Cheaters Exposed

It’s a tale as old as time. Two people fall in love, but one person decides to cheat. Breaking trust and maybe a couple of pieces of furniture, these two-timers eventually got caught in the funniest ways possible.

Can you imagine being caught in their position? The heart wants what the heart wants, but sometimes it might not be what you can offer. Read on for hilarious heartbreaks and devastating disappointments!

1. Totally Guiltless

I came home from work and she was upstairs. I yelled for her and she said she was on the phone talking to her mom, and then she closed the bathroom door so I couldn't hear her anymore.

At the time, it was as if someone invisible was standing behind me, whispering "she's lying." It was 2002 and we had a landline with cordless phones and a base station.

I walked into the room with the base station, then hit mute and turned on the speaker. At that moment, my worst fears were confirmed. I heard her talking to a guy and I could tell from the conversation that they had been intimate for a while. They were talking about when I would be working next. I didn't say anything; I just talked to a lawyer and filed for divorce. When I told her I knew and had already sought a lawyer, she started dating the other guy.


Cheaters Exposed


2. Tangled In A Web Of Lies

It was June 2018 when the Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse trailer came out. I talked to my girlfriend about it and we agreed to go see it when it came out on December 14th. Well, in the proceeding months, we started to drift apart. She was calling and texting me less often, and our intimacy went down the drain. In hindsight, that should have been my biggest clue.

Late November rolled around and I saw on her Snapchat story that she was at a Walmart. She was wearing a leather jacket that was clearly a men's jacket since it was literally two sizes too big for her.

For reference, I wore a size medium and this jacket looked like a large or extra-large. Ignoring another red flag, the 14th of December rolled around and I was excited to see the movie.

I had just been fired from my job so I needed a distraction. Her response struck me like a dagger to the heart. She responded that she had already seen it. Cue my confusion and questions about who she went with and why I wasn’t invited. She said she went with a friend from work and didn’t think about inviting me. I knew at that moment she was cheating but I didn’t want to believe it.

A week or so later, my best friend got back from air force school in Texas and we went out for dinner. I texted her to see if she wanted to join us but her response started with, “You’re going to hate me…” and I knew it was a breakup text.

I stayed out with my friend and met up with her three days later for the closure conversation.


Cheaters Exposed


3. Driveway Deception

I found out because he didn’t come home after a night out with the boys. I woke up at 4 am and panicked, thinking something horrible happened.

I tried to call him but his phone went straight to voicemail, and his friends told me he had left hours ago. I called hospitals and police stations thinking the worst. I even called his parents.

They lived in North Carolina and I woke them up to say their son was missing. I decided to drive around to where the boy’s night had been. One of my friends worked at one of the locations they went to and her car was still outside. My gut told me to drive by her house and I was horrified at what I saw—there his car was, still in her driveway. I furiously banged on the door and he answered.

I went home and called his parents back to let them know he wasn't hurt just cheating on me. We had been together for five years and I felt blindsided. The “friend”

he was with had been telling me about this new guy who was texting her and sending her flowers. I had no idea it was my boyfriend the whole time. I cut them both off and never looked back.


Cheaters Exposed


4. Cheque Please

We had been dating for eight months. One night, while we were out to dinner, she got a phone call. Apparently, her fiancé had just been in a terrible motorcycle accident and he hadn’t survived the ambulance journey. This was devastating news and when she told me, I was shocked. At the time, I was in college, so my schedule was chaotic and I guess that gave her gave free time to be sneaky with another guy. After her confession, I got the bill, made sure she called an Uber, and never spoke to her again.


Cheaters Exposed
