Security Workers Share Their Crazy Airport X-Ray Stories

Whether you love or hate flying, we can all agree that going through security sucks.

Even if you have nothing to worry about it’s hard not to feel nervous when your luggage is rolling through that scanner, or, God forbid, you get randomly selected for a secondary search.

It’s the stuff of nightmares and these Redditors, both airport workers and travelers alike, have first-hand experience.

They’ve come together to share the strangest things they’ve seen go through airport x-rays.

1. Rotten Meat and Bleeding Deer

Finding adult toys was always a bit yuck. Especially if nasty. Owners varied from young adults to old folks. (I don't care what consenting adults do. I still don't like handling their toys). I also had a bleeding deer head once.

It was not allowed into the x-ray. But nothing compares to having your gloves start melting while you're searching a bag.


Airport X-Ray Facts


2. Gun

I was flying, and the old guy in front of me took off his jacket, then took his GUN out of his holster and put it in the bin and sent it through the x-ray. Then he was shocked when they said he couldn't fly with it...It was kinda funny until I was told the disturbing truth. Apparently, this "happens way more than you'd expect"


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3. The Old Ferret Under the Shirt Trick

After a while, not much surprises you. But a few of the more memorable incidents would include a bag with human skeletal remains, live and dead animals, diamonds worth millions, chainsaws, inert explosives, guns, drugs, organs, live fish, concept phones/tablets, and the list keeps on going.

Of course, there’s more sex paraphernalia than you can shake a stick at (pun intended).

Someone even tried to sneak in a ferret under their shirt. Wasn’t expecting that during a pat-down.


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4. False Idols

I went through with a carved wooden bull figure that I picked up at a yard sale in Denver last year.

First question: do you have a dog in your bag?

A: No, it’s just some wood in the shape of a bull.

Second question: Can you step over here, ma’am?

They proceeded to remove said bull (which probably weighs about two pounds) from my bag and verified that it was just wood.

They then had to log “bull figure” on a form of some kind (didn’t get a good look at it) and let me go on my way.


Airport X-Ray Facts
