Scared People Share The Eeriest Paranormal Events They've Ever Experienced

Some experiences simply can’t be explained by science or logic. These are things that defy common sense and make all the crazy nightmares from horror movies seem plausible and real.

These bone-chilling, spine-tingling paranormal events, as experienced and shared by Redditors, will make you question everything you thought you knew about ghosts, spirits, monsters, and apparitions. Don’t read this in the dark!

1. This is Really Freaky

So I was in the house of my religious grandparents when my little brother’s nose suddenly started bleeding, and he said that it felt like a nail. We were alone, so I helped him out. 20 minutes later, I needed to charge my phone, so I went to my room, just to see the hand puppet of my brother that our uncle had made...with a nail on his nose!


Surrounded by Idiots Facts


2. Scent of a Father

On the day my father died, I was alone in the apartment we lived in while everyone was out mourning at my uncle’s place. I stayed home because I didn't want people to stare at me sobbing. Anyways, I'm in the living room and I hear footsteps in my mother's room that has a balcony. I straight up hear the balcony door open so now I'm like sobbing and shouting asking who's there.

I go check it out and there's no one there except a strong smell of tobacco in the room (my father used to smoke on the balcony). Never told anyone about it and just kept it for myself.

I later learned my mother got blamed for my dad's death (even though they loved each other since they were teens and my dad was simply a victim of cancer) and a massive brawl broke out at my uncle's.

I just thought of it as my dad coming home because he couldn't be bothered to hear people arguing.


Paranormal Events Experienced facts


3. Who’s Down There?!

I was a kid, maybe 10 years old or so. I came inside in the evening after playing outside in the backyard.

I stopped by the exterior door to take my shoes off and just happened to notice that the basement door across the room was closed and deadbolted (It was an old door that didn't stay totally closed unless deadbolted).

I look down to untie one of my shoes and I hear a loud BANG and look up to see the basement door wide open. I noped the heck out of there with my shoes still on. My parents were in the other room and didn't hear a thing. I went back later and the door and lock were totally undamaged. I have absolutely no idea what caused it and can't really come up with any rational explanation.

I was pretty afraid of going into the basement for a while.


Paranormal Events Experienced facts


4. Mothers-in-Law: Even Scarier in Ghost Form

About five years ago, my husband and I went to visit his grandmother. She lived in a big, beautiful two-story house. I was going to head upstairs to put some pajamas on and saw a woman walk across the top of the stairs.

It was only my husband, young daughter, and his grandma in the house, and whoever I saw, it wasn't granny.

I went into the living room and told them what I saw and his Grandma goes, “Yeah, that's Laurie. She visits a lot.” Laurie was my husband's mom who had died when he was 11. I was so freaking spooked after that I barely slept the rest of the time we were there.


Paranormal Events Experienced facts
