Runaway Brides Confess Why (And How) They Left Their “Beloved” At The Altar

In a perfect world, a couple would settle their differences before the wedding. In this rather imperfect world, there’s instead runaway brides and cold-footed grooms to jolt from the aisle, leaving nothing behind except for broken hearts and juicy stories. Reddit asked regretful fiancées (and their guests) why the nuptials failed to be. Raise an objection to these outrageous stories about runaway brides.

1. Just Powdering My Nose…

I was at a past coworker’s wedding some years ago, and we sat waiting for a good 45 minutes for the bride and a bridesmaid to show up. No one really knew why, but we all sat there aimlessly until she turned up.

But later at the reception, after quite a few drinks it was revealed to me by said bridesmaid, that the bride was struck by a case of anxiety-induced diarrhea before beginning the ceremony.


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2. Not the Daddy, nor the Groom

My brother left his bride at the altar after he found out she was cheating on him and pregnant with the lover’s baby. She told him about an hour before. He grabbed me, his best man, and another groomsman—the rest were her brothers.

We drank at the park across town.


Runaway Brides Facts


3. It’s the Circle of Strife

My uncle panicked and fled his wedding before the ceremony. He made it a couple of states away, hid from her and eventually patched things up with his bride-to-be.

They scheduled a new wedding, at which point basically the whole cycle repeated itself. On the third wedding, they actually got married, and over the next year had a kid and then split up for good.

He still hangs around his former in-laws and hates her second husband (her husband of like 20+ years now).


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4. Working Girl Need Not Say “I Do”

I was on the "wrong" side of this. My fiancé left me at the altar and never spoke to me again. I can only assume that this is because I had just received my dream job offer, and it interfered with his dreams of me being a stay at home wife.

I picked my life up, moved across the country, took my dream job, and am now engaged to a fantastic man who I love very much.

I couldn't be happier. There's a happy ending to being left at the altar.


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