Horrified People Share The Worst "Rich Person Behavior" They've Witnessed

Whether it’s making frivolous purchases, demanding outlandish requests, and just really off-putting behavior in general, rich people like to think that they can get away with anything.

While some wealthy people do use their extra cash for good, the bad manners of the upper crust easily stick out like a jewel-encrusted sore thumb. Here we’ve compiled some truly outrageous accounts of “rich people behavior,”

including the good, bad, and mostly very ugly.

43. Surprised the Spoon Was Even Taken Out of the Baby’s Mouth

I don't even work at that nice of a restaurant, but last month I got chewed out over the phone because some lady left her baby's actual silver spoon on the table. We didn't know where it was, so it must have been long gone.


Rich Person Behavior Facts


42. A Truly Fancy Feast

I once had a customer who ordered $150 of caviar to go…for their cat.


Arya Stark facts


41. Saying Please and Thank You Goes a Long Way

I am a cocktail server at the huge pool of a 4-star hotel. A woman once told me, in a monotone voice and without any eye-contact, “I lost my sunscreen. Find it.”


Rich Person Behavior Facts


40. Non-Consumable Conspicuous Consumption

There’s a thing in Stockholm‘s rich kid district called “vaska.” Basically, you order an expensive bottle of champagne, pay for it, and watch the waiter pouring the bottle’s contents down the drain. Some places even let you do it yourself.

Sadly, it’s an established thing in these kinds of circles. Like it’s on the menus and all that.

Honestly the dumbest way of flexing I’ve ever witnessed.


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