Petty People Share Their Most Epic Revenge Stories

No one likes being wronged. But some of us like it even less than others.

Some people simply cannot stand the idea that anyone would do something to them that they didn’t like--and they don’t just sit back and take it either.

When one of these individuals feels unjustly treated, they will stop at nothing until retribution is delivered--no matter how ridiculous, over the top, or just plain silly the form of the retribution may be.

Here are 42 stories of petty people’s most epic revenge stories.

42. Machine Half Empty

While working for a small machine shop, a customer kept stalling about paying for some work we did.

He was supposed to pay the fee before getting his machine, but he insisted that he needed it right away and would pay the second half of the amount in a month. So, we cut his machine in half and said we'll give him the other half in a month or so.


Petty Revenge facts


41. 20/20 Vision

I got reviewed at work by a manager I had never met before. I had done everything I was always told to do, and more, but he still marked me low. I know it's because they wanted to avoid giving me a raise.

He told me I didn't go the extra mile. I pointed out that I always do. His response? "Well, I never see you do it.” I said, "Well, maybe if management actually paid attention, you'd have seen me."

That got him to yell at me and mark me poorly for attitude.

Later on, he came up to me and asked me if I could stay late. Given that I'd previously told him I didn't have anything else to do the next day, he probably thought I'd say yes.

I looked him in the eyes and said "Sorry, but I don't see that you guys need my help."


Petty Revenge facts


40. Catching Up

My coworker often throws out her lunch in the garbage can at my desk instead of her own, because she claims she can't stand the smell of old ketchup that's been sitting out for a couple hours. I've asked her several times to stop.

She just waits until I go to the bathroom, does it, and then hides my garbage can under my desk thinking I won't notice.

So now, every time she does it, I wait until she goes to the bathroom, take out the little plastic container that she had ketchup in, and put it way in the back of her bottom desk drawer. There's 6 in there now, and the oldest is over a month old. So far, she hasn't noticed the smell. Gonna keep doing it and see how long it takes her to notice.


Petty Revenge facts


39. School Days

My wife was cheating on me with a high school teacher. So I took screenshots photos from his Facebook and sent them to the school administration—because posting pics of your student's test and making fun of them online is not cool at all.

He was fired at the end of the year, all thanks to little old me.


Petty Revenge facts

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