People Share The Worst Things A Guest Has Done In Their Home

We’ve all been guests in other people’s homes at one time or another.

The decent, reasonable folk amongst us will know that you should treat your host’s home and its inhabitants with respect, no matter how long or short your stay might be, and no matter the occasion. But some, it seems, never got the memo.

These shell-shocked hosts know this all too well, and their terrible tales of guests from hell might just have you bolting your door and shutting out the outside world for good.

43. Beanie Brat

One of my friends in kindergarten wanted a Beanie Baby I had and when I told her she couldn’t have it, she took it away from me and tried to flush it down the toilet.

Then, when the toilet started overflowing and my mom came in, she started crying and said I did it.

We did not stay friends.


Worst Thing a Guest did facts


42. A Brush With Toxicity

I lived in a small house, so my dressing table was a table and wall mirror near the front door.

One day we had people over while it was raining, and my husband’s cousin came in, picked up my hairbrush from the hall table, and brushed her wet dog with it.


Worst Thing a Guest did facts


41. Infuriating In-Laws

Not nearly in the same ballpark as the rest of these, but my in-laws always just walk right in like they own the place. Drives me absolutely nuts.

A couple years ago I put some vinyl window tinting on the front door to keep the house cooler in the summer. I could see out the window but no one could see in.

I'd lock the door and enjoy the looks of confusion on their faces as they tried to open the door and couldn't.


Worst Thing a Guest did facts


40. LEGO Destroyer

Wasn’t home when this happened, but some family friend I’ve never met and their kid came over one afternoon.

The kid gets bored and decided it’s a great idea to disassemble every LEGO build I’ve kept over the last 10 years. Almost everything was built from imagination so no instructions to rebuild again.

I was devastated when I got home seeing LEGO pieces spread across the entire floor of my room.


Worst Thing a Guest did facts
