People Share Stories About The Stupidest Individuals They Have Ever Met

Reading or listening to the word’s of mankind’s great intellectuals can be a thrilling experience--but so can reading or listening to the opposite!

As long as no one is getting hurt by it, laughing at the stupid, silly, and ridiculous things that we humans say and do from time to time can make for a hilarious way to spend a bit of your day.

And people, let’s be honest, who among us hasn’t had at least one or two moments where we’ve looked or sounded as ridiculous as the poor souls in the stories below?

So please, indulge yourself in the following 42 stories about the stupidest people that some of our friends from Reddit have ever encountered.

Stupidest Person facts

Remington Agency

42. It Sounds Like They Were the Ones Who Got Him

An old co-worker named James. We worked at McDonald's and were both 16. One time, while mopping the lobby, he for some unknown reason decided to chase a number of customers around with the mop yelling "I'm gonna getcha". He was fired on the spot.


Stupidest Person facts


41. Hammering it Home

A girl from my elementary school believed that outer space isn't real, that Benjamin Franklin invented the time machine, and she was unaware of hammers.


Stupidest Person facts


40. Second, Third, and Fourth Chances Squandered

I work at a country club. He started out working in the kitchen. Every day when he arrived he would walk around with his German style motorcycle helmet on his head for at least an hour.

He never wore gloves and would smoke while working in the kitchen (clearly not acceptable) and if not smoking would have a half burnt cigarette hanging on his lips. Manager was nice so just moved him to the snack bar at the pool.

Outside, away from a lot of people, less food handling, maybe more his speed.

Nope, he was reported for telling a woman she shouldn't get a hamburger because she was too fat. So manager still doesn't fire him, moves him to doing light maintenance work.

The guy spent 4 days painting the inside of a small closet this bright blue color. No clue where he got this color of paint because there is no place at this club or any place in which I have seen this color.

Lots of other stuff that I can't recall at the moment but he was eventually let go for harassing a 16-year-old.


Stupidest Person facts


39. Well, as Long as He Has a Sense of Humor About It, Right?

This one guy was a real blast to work with, although he always managed to find a way to screw things up. He once put about 16 pies in the oven and managed to not set the timer. He constantly burnt stuff in the toaster, which is pretty idiot proof.

And has served sausage that was cooked on the regular meat time and setting, and then laughed about it—regular meat spends roughly 40 seconds while the sausage spends 90 seconds on the grill.


Stupidest Person facts
