People Share Their Spine-Tingling Stories Of Near Death Experiences

“To die, to sleep--

To sleep--perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub,

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,

Must give us pause.”  — William Shakespeare, Hamlet

There are few things in human history as universal as the question of what happens to us after we die. Is there an afterlife? And if so, what is it like?

These are things we have no way of ever knowing as long as we’re on this earth…or is there a way to find out?

Some people claim to have been given a rare chance to see the other side before their time, and they get a glimpse what’s over there.

Whether you believe them, disbelieve them, or truly have no idea what to believe, there is no denying that near death experience stories never fail to grab our attention and excite our imaginations.

Here’s what people had to say about their own personal brushes with the great beyond.

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25. Captain of His Own Ship

My uncle once died in the middle of open heart surgery. After he said that he remembered being on a steampunk style military ship.



Near Death Experiences Facts


24. Heaven Sounds Luxe as Heck

My father-in-law was in the hospital and his heart stopped. He was dead but they revived him.

Then he kept talking about a heart surgery. Finally, my wife said, "Dad, you didn't have heart surgery." He said, "Yes I did. I remember the big diamond-encrusted scepter that was thrust into my heart to fix me."

I don't know what it means, and he died a few days later so I can't get any more details.



23. With the Snap of a Finger

My friend went hiking with his family and he fell a few feet off a cliff they were climbing and he hit the back of his head on a rock. They called an ambulance and when they finally arrived at the hospital he was pronounced dead.

He had no heartbeat or any brain waves. They were already unplugging everything and moving on with all the paperwork when he suddenly woke up the nurse screamed "he's awake!" and then chaos ensued all over again.

He was dead for about 7 minutes and he says the entire time he was laying down fully conscious in a really dark room. (he calls it a room but doesn't really know).

He said he couldn't tell how long it was but that suddenly he heard a sound like if someone snapped their fingers next to his ear and then he woke up in the hospital. The experience didn't make him religious either.



22. Don't Go Into the Light

Not me, but a friend of mine overdosed one day while doing some stuff with his friend. The friend hadn't done anything yet so he wasn't imagining all of the signs of death on this guy (no pulse, cold skin, blue lips).

My friend told me that in those few minutes he was considered dead he saw nothing but white. Everything around him was bright white and in the distance was a dark shadowed tree.

He then saw a woman, also dark and shadowed, so he wasn't able to see her face. But her presence made him happy. She held out her hand to him and for a while, he debated whether or not he should go with her.

He decided not to and she simply walked away. Then he woke up again. Before that event, he defined himself as a Catholic but was never really religious. Afterward, he turned his life around and started devoting himself to helping others.
