People Share Their “Something is Very Wrong Here” Feelings That Turned Out To Be True

Thank goodness for the gut—that part of our body that just knows when things ain’t right. The following Redditors shared the times when listening to that “bad feeling” paid off.

From bumps in the night to so-called responsible guardians with bad intentions, the gut just knows. Be alert to these chilling stories of when that “something is very wrong here” feeling turned out to be true.

1. The Caretaker You Know

I’m a member of a local Facebook group to help moms find babysitters. One of the admins was a mid-20s man who babysat for tons of kids in the area and specialized in caring for nonverbal and autistic children.

His posts always gave me (and some other members) a weird vibe but he was loved by this group as a whole. He was just arrested for molesting two children and possession of CP.

Bail is set at $2 million. It’s estimated that he sat for over 500 children in our area. Who knows how many he abused.


Something is Wrong facts


2. Not What I Meant By Date & Dinner

Once at a party, I was about to kiss this girl, but my spider senses tingled. I took a few steps back, and she was like "what the fu- " before throwing up. So glad I dodged that bullet.


Something is Wrong facts


3. The Byes That Never Were

Years ago, I was staying the night at someone else's house, maybe an hour from where I lived. That night I was so tired, but I couldn't get to sleep. I was super anxious all night, which was very unusual for me, and I just couldn't relax.

I came so close to just grabbing my things and driving home in the middle of the night several times, but I convinced myself not to.

Turns out I should have. If I'd gone home that night, I would have had the chance to say goodbye to my dad before he passed away that next morning.

I still regret that to this day, and I promised myself that the next time I get a feeling like that I'll listen to it.


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4. Ride Home Alive

When I was 19, I was walking home at midnight from a tram stop and I got the feeling I should pretend I was on the phone. A minute after doing so, a car pulls up next to me on the empty road.

It's four guys all leering at me, the one in the passenger side starts saying things like, "how about we take you for a good time," and his tone is predatory.

I try to keep it cool because I didn't want to look frightened to encourage them that I am prey, so I start telling my "friend" there's a group of guys in a car harassing me and describing the car.

I hear the driver say to his mate something about my conversation on the phone and then they take off. I ran home faster than Usain Bolt with 000 now ready on my phone should they change their mind and come back.

A couple of months later, I hear on the news that in my area there was a group picking up girls and assaulting them. The description matched the car and the guys in it that followed me that night.

I had the sense after my encounter to tell my work what happened and refuse to do night shifts anymore unless they paid for my taxi home.

I shudder to think what may have happened if I hadn't pretended to be on the phone that night.


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