People Share Their Creepiest Glitch In The Matrix Moments

Glitches in the matrix happen. Do we accept this as a natural, or perhaps unnatural, part of life?

Let’s go to Reddit for some anecdotal proof that sometimes, things happen that can make the most skeptical among us think that we’re living in a weird simulation.

Tons of people piled in to tell their creepiest experiences with the matrix, whether it was getting caught in a glitch or seeing it bug out. But don’t freak out reading these stories, just go with the flow.

Glitch In The Matrix Moments facts


42. Where Did My Time Go?

Ten years ago I was returning home from a road trip with two friends. I received a phone call from my parents asking when we would be arriving, and I explained that we were about 25 minutes away.

About a minute later we came around a bend; it was a full moon and we could see the reflection from a lake below us and other than that the road was completely empty.

Suddenly everything went completely dark in the car, no lights from the dash or gauges or headlights on the road. The music also stopped and re-started at the beginning of the CD we were listening to.

There was now a vehicle pulled over by the police about 1/4 mile in front of us that hadn't been there a split second before. I assumed I had dozed off for just a second as it was late.

I thought it was still quite peculiar, though. After about a minute, the driver of the car turned the music all the way down and said: "did that just happen to anyone else?" The other passenger in the back seat sat forward abruptly and exclaimed: "

I thought I just fell asleep...". We then realized that the clock in the car was reading an hour later than it just had a minute before.

To keep ourselves from freaking out we decided that the car had possibly had a momentary electrical failure and reset the clock to an odd time, turned off the dash lights, headlights, and gauges, and restarted the CD player.

But when we arrived home 25 minutes later, we were one hour late. I am missing an hour of my life, and to this day have no idea how it happened.


Glitch In The Matrix Moments facts

Serenity Financial Planning

41. Dream State Telling You The Future

When I was a teenager I had two really intense dreams one night. The first one was about an online friend of mine calling me to say she'd broken up with her boyfriend, and I sang a few lines of Seal's "Don't Cry" to her over the phone.

The second dream was finding a (real-life) friend’s dead body floating in her bathtub.

I didn't think anything of it up until I went on my computer that evening and the online friend chatted me to tell me her boyfriend broke up with her. I immediately asked if I could call her, and she said no.

I remember thinking that it meant something like I could change it. Not long after, my phone rang, and it was the real-life friend from the dream calling me.

I was completely freaked at this point, but talked to her normally... she was just talking about school and stuff... up until I realized I heard a splash in the background. I asked her, "Are you in the tub?"

and when she said yes I felt like my heart had stopped. I asked her, "What did you do?". She didn't answer me right away, and then after a very long pause, she told me she'd taken an entire bottle of pills and chased it with mushrooms and vodka.

She'd gotten scared waiting for it to hit her... so she called me so she'd hear someone's voice. I hung up and called 911. By the time they got there, she was unconscious but alive. Today she's a mom to a beautiful little girl, and she's ok.


Glitch In The Matrix Moments facts

Fantasy Interpretations

40. No Car Pile Up

I'm way too late to this party but this is a true story that nobody believes. I was driving northbound on I-5 into Seattle at about 3am.

It was raining very, very hard and I drove under the Convention Center in downtown Seattle, which is like a tunnel. When I got out from under the center, I saw something that made me slam on my brakes and skid to a stop in the middle of the freeway.

There were five cars upside down in the middle of the road. I thought I had happened upon a horrible accident, but then I realized there was not a single person in sight... the cars were completely empty... no headlights on... no cops....

no fire trucks... no ambulances... no tow trucks... and then I realized what made me hit the gas and get out of there... not a single dent on any of the vehicles.

They were just sitting there, upside down in the middle of I-5. It has freaked me out to think about ever since and everyone thinks I'm making it up but that was a glitch if ever there was one.

I checked the news for days afterward and couldn't find a report. Weeeeird.

Glitch In The Matrix Moments facts


39. Feeling The Bug In The Matrix

I was waiting for the bus next to a busy road and I was starting to feel anxious, so I decided to stand up and walk about 50 feet away. I already felt better.

So I started walking back and at that moment I saw a truck lose control and demolish the spot where I’d been 20 seconds before.

Since then, I believe that people have destinies.


Glitch In The Matrix Moments facts
