People Admit The Worst Mistakes They've Ever Made

We all make mistakes. Sometimes they are meaningless little “whoops” types of mistakes, but other times they are pretty bad, and the consequences of these kinds of mistakes can be utterly devastating.

Other times, huge mess-ups have luckily had very little blowback, letting us breathe a sigh of relief.

Whether we've all been there or not, These redditors gave their most cringeworthy mess ups for our own amusement, so let's be grateful we’re all still here to talk about our worst mistakes.
“I think we all wish we could erase some dark times in our lives. But all of life's experiences, bad and good, make you who you are. Erasing any of life's experiences would be a great mistake.” —Luis Miguel

One Productions

42. Forgetting to Lock The Tiger Away

Once I left a door to a tiger's enclosure unlocked and let the tiger back in after I was done cleaning.

Walked by a couple minutes later doing a lock check, realized my mistake, and nonchalantly placed the lock back on the door and kept walking past coworkers while internally freaking out.

Could have gotten myself or someone else mauled by a tiger that day.


nz honey moon asia

41. Baby Mistakes

I shudder just typing this one out.

At the start of a 450 mile road trip home from my in-laws' place, I strapped my baby daughter into her car seat and put the seat into the car. Finished packing a few small items and set off.

We stopped just over 2 hours later and I went to take the baby out of her seat. The seat hadn't been secured, it was just sitting on the back seat.

You're supposed to fasten it in place with the seatbelt and I had somehow in my sleep-deprived state forgotten to do so. We'd travelled almost 150 miles where one emergency stop or careless driver rear ending us could have had dire consequences.

I am not going to tell my other half.


green flag

40. Ninja Puker

Woke up at 3am on my friend's couch after a late night of drinking and pizza. Within about 10 seconds I proceeded to vomit what I estimated to be a full large pizza and whatever cocktail of liquid mistakes.

A massive amount of vomit and most of it went on the coffee table, which had a recessed groove around it so that a glass top could sit within it. Meaning crevices full of soggy cardboard pizza puke.

I had to drunkenly clean up that mess. And take the trash out. Lift the 4-5 foot glass top out of the coffee table. Miserable accident.

Meanwhile a friendly German Shepherd pup was attempting to help me clean with his own method of trying to eat it all.

Friend didn’t know until i told him. Idk how.



39. Cutting The Entire University’s Internet

I once was configuring the network firewall of the university I worked on and accidentally and without realizing toggled a switch that effectively cut all internet access of the university.

I realized it only when someone in the room asked another person about the Internet being weird, then it hit me. My heart started racing as I went back and corrected the configuration setting.

I cut off the University from the world for about 5 minutes, it probably affected about 150k people, at the very least. "Internet glitch" was the official diagnosis.

