People Admit The Weirdest Things They’ve Done While Their Brains Were On Autopilot

We’ve all heard it said that humans are creatures of habit—and we’d probably all know it was true anyway even if we hadn’t heard anyone say it.

There’s hardly any of us out there who don’t know the feeling of suddenly realizing we’ve been doing stuff without even being consciously aware it, and at times we’re shocked to realize that some of the things we unwittingly did was downright ridiculous.

That’s what happens when are brains go on autopilot!

Let’s make sure we’re all fully alert and attentive right now, though, to enjoy reading about the experiences that others have gone through during these kinds of moments.

I can only hope that no plane will ever behave as silly on autopilot as some of these people did!

Brain Autopilot facts


33. Flying Pretty High Before Setting Foot On The Plane

Was taking my belt off at airport security. After I unbuckled, I momentarily thought I was in the bathroom and started unzipping. Stopped myself half a second before I pulled everything down.


Brain Autopilot facts


32. Errors of Mathematical Proportions

I was tutoring another student on geometry (arc and area and what not) just after I had finished cramming for and taken a Calc test. About three-quarters of the way through the poor kid’s homework I realized that I had not done any of the problems correctly. Rather, to the student's endless confusion, I had been integrating the circumference of the circle between the endpoints of the arc.

Once I realized my mistake I redid the work with him and reimbursed the session cost.

I've never seen someone so grateful to find out that they were doing their math right and that I was in whatever post-apocalyptic math-based dreamscape.


Brain Autopilot facts


31. Dropping the Wrong F-Word

The name of the place I work at begins with an "F" and I was chatting with one of my coworkers who was telling me how she runs ten miles or so every morning as the phone was ringing. What was going through my head was "f*** that" so when I answered the phone I said "F*** this is Travis how can I help you?"


Brain Autopilot facts

El Ciudadano

30. Polly Want a Lollipop?

When I was little I had two bird pets. One day I was holding one with my right hand and playing with the bird. Sometime later I got myself a lollipop and was licking on it. Eventually, I had been holding both of them at the same time. Now guess what I licked.


Brain Autopilot facts

National Geographic Blog