People Share Their Most Satisfying "Mic Drop" Moments

Sometimes, amidst all the small indignities we have to suffer through in this life, we get one, glorious moment to totally dunk a truth bomb on someone.

Whether it be a horrible boss, a cheating lover, or an angry customer, the people of Reddit have shared their most satisfying "mic drop" moments.

1. Straight to the Point

This guy comes in with a coupon for a free iPod. The fine print says: "Guaranteed and payable by Bill Gates." I asked why Bill Gates would guarantee an Apple product. The guy left.


Apple facts

Flickr, OnInnovation

2. Trouble With the In-Laws

When my ex FINALLY stood up to his mother (She was 90% of the reason for divorce) about our custody schedule and told her, "We have it figured out. Myself, their mother, and their stepdad. We do not need your advice or opinion."

I just wish I had been able to witness it.


No Power Here facts

3. Good Riddance

A (heading towards abusive) ex told me that he would leave me if I didn’t lose ten pounds in the two weeks before his friend’s wedding. He was blown away when I said “okay” and walked away.


No Power Here facts


4. Falling Like Dominoes

I reported a coworker for harassing a minor. My manager fired me for making the accusation against her friend. She got fired, and then the district manager got fired when he too was caught in a bathroom with a minor.


Got Fired But Worth It facts
