Medical Professionals Share The Most Disturbing Things They've Ever Found Inside Patients

Sometimes working in the medical field is weird. This is probably because sometimes people can be pretty weird.

Doctors, nurses and, in the worst cases, morticians can sometimes find weird things in bodies, because people have an odd tendency to put things where they really shouldn’t have. Everyone loves a weird medical story, right?

Well, this is the right place for that, because these medical professionals went ahead and shared with us the weird and gross stuff that they’ve found in bodies.

Strap in, and proceed with caution because these stories can get not only weird, but gross. Reddit doctors, nurses, morticians, and medical examiners have shared the 35 weirdest things they’ve found in bodies.

Things in Bodies facts

35. To Infinity and Beyond

I work in a theater with lots of other nurses who have worked in ER, and one told me about a woman who came in with a Buzz Lightyear inside her... she had been using it to pleasure herself, and the wings had released and it got stuck.


Things in Bodies facts


34. Big Ball

Did an autopsy once where the patient’s plasma separated from the blood. One giant plasma ball. It was really weird.


Things in Bodies facts


33. 50 Cent

I work in orthopedics. A kid had a fracture we reduced in office and splinted. After a few weeks with proper healing, he's transitioned into a cast. Usually we see patients every week and re-X-ray it to ensure no displacement.

First week post-cast application the X-rays show two solid circular objects blocking the fracture. Turns out the six-year-old was hiding 50 cents he stole from his brother.

Not that crazy, but I just always find it funny how far siblings go to make the other mad.


Things in Bodies facts

HuffPost Australia

32. Push It

Doctor here, general practitioner and young, so not many experiences.

I had this kid (8) and his mother come to the pediatric unit complaining about how her kid had a cold.

As soon as they came in, they filled the room with stench, like a wound festering, that humid and rancid smell. Kid had a runny nose, but secretions were coming from a single nostril.

Upon examination, we found the sinus cavities were filled with cotton.

Apparently, the kid had this funny idea of stuffing one nostril with cotton and shoving it up inside with a stick as far as he could. We had to call the specialist to remove a lot of VERY deep cotton that was, of course, a picnic field for bacteria.


Things in Bodies facts

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