I Rage Quit My Job

People are sick and tired of working under terrible conditions or for horrible people, and they’re just not having it anymore.  These Redditors had enough and happily told their bosses to shove it.

Keep reading to discover what pushed them to the edge and made them join today’s masses in rage quitting their jobs.

1. Done Duping Customers

I worked at a call center in inbound sales. They told me I needed to have higher sales numbers and gave me training materials/tools to help. That's when I realized that this place was shady. It suggested that if the customer wanted only one service we offered, I add on other services after the call had ended and hope that the customer didn't notice.

I questioned this, and they said that is how Dave had the highest sales for the past six months, and I should follow his example. Yeahhhhh....No.


Beautiful consultant of call center wearing  headphones on gray background

Roman Samborskyi, Shutterstock

2. The Last Straw

My first job was at the snack stand at the local movie theater. The manager was an old guy who looked down on everyone, especially if they were younger and female. So after a few months of dealing with this jerk, one night it was really slow.

I had cleaned the entire area and had nothing to do.

He walked by and dumped EVERY straw on the floor and told me to pick them up. I said up yours and walked out.


Beautiful young woman box office employee

Rob Byron, Shutterstock


Don’t Dell Me To Stay

Dell had me train my replacements but told me I was getting my own sales team to train. I was one of their top salespeople for a year back in 1999–2000.

Halfway through the two-week training, I found out they laid off my entire team, and I was going to be laid off after training.

I told my manager he could go take a hike and quit that day. But right before, I told all the new hires and many of them quit too.


Upset man in casual wear holding box with things and leaving the office

BAZA Production, Shutterstock