"I'll Never Live This Down": These Horrific Mistakes Made Us Gasp

People who say they live their lives without regrets are lying. Almost everyone has something that they wish they could go back and change.

While some have made huge, life-altering mistakes, others have made poor split-second decisions that they regret immediately.

From the tragic to the hilarious, from mystery substances to broken teeth and packets of ketchup, these Reddit users have shared the times that they have messed up the most severely and the sometimes-surprising consequences of their actions.

1. Direct Hit!

I tried to walk across a guardrail and ended up slipping and hitting my groin area in just the right spot to tear my urethra. I had a catheter for about three months after that.


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2. Looking for a Friend

I regret losing friends because I didn’t put effort into maintaining the relationship. Nobody tells you when you're a kid just how hard it is to make new friends once you're past your college years.


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3. Automatic Responses

I can’t tell you how many times this has happened to me as I go through the checkout line. I regret it every single time. Cashier: "The receipt is in the bag." Me: "You too."


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4. Hindsight is 20/20

I was going to buy $100 worth of Bitcoin in 2010 which, at the time, would have been somewhere around 1,200 Bitcoin. I was fairly poor at the time, so I decided I should spend the money on bills and food instead.

Looking back on it, I realize I should have starved for a week and let some bills go to collections.


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