People Share Their Unforgettable Holiday Stories

Ahhh, the holiday season. Time to get together with family (what family secrets will be revealed this year?), indulge in beloved traditions (many of which seem more destructive than heartwarming), and exchange gifts (that may make you question your grandmother's sanity). It's like an advent calendar, but behind each door there could be disaster, laughter, heartbreak, trauma, or joy. Whether they’re tragic, bizarre, or heartwarming, these stories are proof that the best time for making memories is the holidays. 

1. Little Dancers

We have this little hula girl statuette that gets passed around the family at Christmas. Every year someone has the little hula girl and is tasked with stashing it somewhere in another person's house/luggage for them to discover it.

They then have to keep it on display in their home for the entire year until they can stick someone else with it.

The only catch is that no one ever talks about it, and nobody has any idea when it started.


Flickr Andrew Thomas

2. Does Not Compute

It doesn't sound like a life-changing gift, but I'll never forget the year that my grandma sent me and my sister a brand new computer. She'd always been very generous, but this was unbelievable.

We were broke as can be and the idea of my sister and I having our own computer just for us was mind-blowing.


Best Christmas Gift facts


3. Hail Santa

While I was growing up, my dad and I would hide a potato wedge somewhere on the Christmas tree every year to see how long it would take for my mother to notice. Our record was like nine days.

Also, this isn't really a tradition, but my mother has these wooden letters that spell out "SANTA" that she puts out on display during the Christmas season, and I have been rearranging them to say "SATAN" for as long as I can remember.

She gets angry and changes them back whenever she notices, but I just keep doing it.



4. Waxing Poetic

My grandma once gave me a used candle for Christmas. If she absolutely had to give me a candle, couldn’t she have at least bought me a new one??


Worst Christmas Gifts facts
