Graduates Share Outrageous Memories About The People They Went To High School With

High school is a unique time in most of our lives.

The combination of learning about life, growing into adulthood, and spending all our time with the same group of people for four years tends to create a period of unmatched drama and chaos for many.

As annoying as that can be, at times it can also be downright hilarious.

I’m sure that just about every one of us can remember at least one moment from our high school stints that made us laugh harder than anything before or since—and that has stuck with us throughout the years.

Here are 100 such moments, as told by the people who witnessed them firsthand.

1. Getting the Last Laugh

The biggest laugh I ever received in my life was during mass at the end of my senior year of high school. I went to a Catholic school, so for my religion credit I played guitar at our monthly masses and this other guy played piano.

Last mass of the year, he's sick so I have to play both instruments. So when they're bringing the bread and wine to the altar, the choir director says "hey, you have to play something on piano here!" I ask what she wants me to play and she says "

I don't know, anything!!"

So I played "The Final Countdown" by Europe and got detention for the rest of the year. But, I also got a huge laugh from the audience, so it was totally worth it.


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2. Pomp and Circumstance

We blasted the audio of an adult film over the speakers in the auditorium while the principal was trying to give a speech to everyone about graduation procedures. I filmed it too.


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3. Mixed Messages

I didn't think anyone would ask me to prom, but one of my guy friends actually did.

I was kind of excited, and we did color matching and the stuff you're supposed to, and then one of my other friends told me he had a girlfriend who went to a different school. So after that I wasn't excited anymore.

My whole grade wasn't that into prom, so a lot of us ended up playing Apples to Apples instead of dancing, including me.

My date told me as we were leaving that he was upset we didn't dance at all, but at that point I was like "What do you want me to do?"

And then I found five dollars. That was a highlight.


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4. What’s So Funny?

The year was 2007. It was fifth period, history class. I was sitting in the front row with a clear view of the hallway. It was a mundane lecture until, out of the corner of my eye, I see a moderately attractive classmate walking in the hallway.

Two seconds later she intersects with her friend. All of a sudden, her friend "pantses" her, causing her to trip and do a face-plant. I burst out laughing but, to my horror, no one else noticed.

As a result, I was forever labeled as the dude who started randomly laughing during a very serious history lecture. Sigh.


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