When Girls Turn Into Full-Blown Creeps

Most stories you hear involve men turning into creeps around women, but every once in a awhile, ladies turn the tables...and when they do, they take it to the next level. These stories are proof.

1. Crazy Level Confirmed

Last year I changed the privacy setting on my Facebook account to make some of my posts public. I soon found out this was a huge mistake. My crazy ex-wife who I had successfully ghosted for 20 years jumped on there and tried to strike up a conversation. How crazy, you ask?

We were at a restaurant with her family one time and I got that “spidey sense” feeling when a woman is angry and not saying why. It eventually came out that she saw me "holding hands with the waitress and planning a quickie in the back room".

I never interacted with the waitress beyond ordering food from her.

Another time she confessed that she purposely caused a rollover accident before we met, in an attempt to hurt her family. Another time I was taking a shower and smelled smoke.

It was coming from the plastic handle of the butcher blade she had hidden in the bathroom light fixture.

Shocked man looking at his phone

Javier Romera, Shutterstock

2. Took Her Long Enough

A girl I dated stalked me for five years after we broke up.

She kept writing me letters at every address I lived during that five-year period. If she didn't have the address, she'd send them care of my parents. The most memorable one is the one where she told me she was married and "

he's a great guy but he's not you".

Once, not long after I'd moved to a new address, I came home and found a box of cookies she'd FedExed to me.

Eventually I moved to a new state. I knew from her return addresses that she lived and worked there, and was worried we'd run into each other, but realized that was pretty unlikely.

Then after less than a year, she found me through a blog I was keeping and left a message on my voicemail demanding we meet.

I posted a message to her on my blog telling her to stop following me or I'd call the authorities. Up to that point I'd been ignoring her, hoping she'd take the hint. That night she called, and I repeated my threat to bring the authorities in.

I haven't heard from her since.

Five years. And we were only together for six months in the first place.

Man in jacket being stalked

J Walters, Shutterstock

3. This Went Way Too Far

Back when I was 16 and still in school, a female classmate became really obsessed with me. She would send me tons of weird messages. She was also always trying to pair with me in science class, and just staring at me a lot of the time. I was usually just polite in return, and never went out my way to interact with her. But then it escalated.

She ended up getting really creepy, and getting me in a lot of trouble. At one point her messages became genuinely worrying, and I did not know what to do.

I remember the night it got really bad was when she sent me a picture of my name carved into her arm. I had no idea what to do. In hindsight, I should've told someone straight away.

The next day in fact, I was preparing to tell one of the teachers or just anyone, possibly to get her help. But before I could she was telling people I told her to carve my name in her arm. It was as a pretty bad time. I got targeted at school that day, had the authorities come to my house, my phone got taken, and I was being treated like a felon.

Everyone apart from my two main friends at school seemed to think I was in the wrong. But I was in for worse. The next day while at school, I get called into the principal's office and told I am being expelled. My parents were called. They were very angry and took me home. They didn’t want to listen to my explanation or side of the story.

Thank God that night the authorities came around with my phone and told me they'd established that I had nothing to do with her doing that. They apologized to me and seemed pretty genuinely sorry.

Police officers at someone's front door

1000 Words, Shutterstock

4. Her Timing Was Off

I was seeing this girl and we went out three or four times. Eventually we got to intimate times, and I brought protection but she said it was fine, she was on the pill. A few days later she called me crying, looking for me to console her.

Turns out she was crying because she wasn't pregnant. She wasn't on the pill at all, it turned out, and now that she wasn't pregnant after our romp, she thought she must be barren. Young me learned an important lesson that day and I didn't speak to her again.

Shocked teenager with one hand on his head holding a phone

carballo, Shutterstock