Found Footage: These Security Guards Caught Bizarre Moments On Camera

Security guards work long nights alone, with very little to occupy them and almost nothing to look at but their camera screens. Every once in a while, though, something interesting happens on the video, and who better to take a closer look? Then again, not everything that’s captured on camera should see the light of day…

1. Tree Hugger

At around 2 am on a weekend, there was a random dude walking down the street with no shirt on, systematically going to all the trees along the road and hugging them passionately. Before a random motorist caught his attention, that is. Shirtless guy charges out onto the street in front of the car, causing the driver to slam on his brakes. Then it got so much weirder.

He then proceeded to drop to all fours and charge the vehicle. The terrified motorist throws their car into reverse, turns completely around, and speeds off. Shirtless guy continues to hug trees. At that point I called the authorities.


Security guard


2. Whatever Floats Your Boat

There were two people in an elevator. The doors close and...BANG. They are all over each other on the ride down. Hands like octopus tentacles. Arms bending ways that I didn't think were possible. Clothes and hair flying. Then…BING.

They quickly straightened up. Hair fixed, sweat wiped, clothes straightened. Walked out calmly and left the club.

I then spied them getting it on in the bushes on camera in the car park, while he was wearing her bra. He also had her panties on his head.


Security guards


3. Who Watches The Watchmen?

Back when I was 19, I had a night job in a gas station AND an evening job at a supermarket. I'd work from around 1 pm until 7 am, go home and sleep, repeat. One night, I was working at the gas station at around 2 in the morning.

My feet were kicked up just below the counter, and I was reading a book and eating some chips.

Out of nowhere, I noticed a little red blinking light in a van across the street. I knew exactly what it was, and I hated it. The regional manager for this local gas station chain was some sort of a lunatic dragon. I knew it was her not only checking up on me, but freaking recording me, too. I decided that I was quitting in that moment.

The two paychecks were nice, but the pace of two full-time jobs was bad enough without this additional insult. So I decided it was time to put on a show. In the back room, we had a tiny broom, almost like a toy broom. I'm not sure why we had it. I guess for clean up jobs that didn't warrant a full sized broom? Anyway, I grabbed it.

It became my microphone, my guitar, my dance partner, my lover. I went out into the pump area. All of the halogen lamps in the "hood" over the pumps were blazing at 2 am. It was like a stage. The floor of the pump area was concrete, with many seams.

In all of the seams were hundreds of cigarette butts. It was time to clean.

I swept those butts so hard, with wide arcs of my arms and that tiny broom, that they flew several feet in every direction. I heard the music to Footloose in my head. I heard Michael Jackson. I heard Daft Punk. I danced, I dove, I spun.

I caressed the broom, I sang into the broom, I dipped the broom, I twirled the broom. I'd have made jazz hands, but my hands were full.

Up on my toes, twirling and spinning, singing silently into the broom and making a quiet show for the voyeuristic witch across the street, I worked myself into a sweat over the next two hours.

Until, that is, she and my creepy store manager finally had enough and came across the street to "inform" me that they'd been taping. I took a bow. I told the witch I quit.


Security guards


4. Right Place, Right Time

I work surveillance at a casino. Several years ago, when tokens were still used in the casinos, we received a call for a possible token theft. While one of my co-workers was reviewing the footage on our cameras, we overheard a radio call for a guest down outside the exit. I pulled up the camera to watch the EMTs perform CPR on him. Then I noticed a strange detail.

I saw a spilled bucket of tokens around him. Still, it's not unusual for a guest to take tokens home and bring them back another day. Well, my co-worker completed the review for the theft and said, "

Okay, we're looking for a Black male wearing a red shirt and black pants." I took the camera I was using, put it on his monitor, and said, "You mean this guy?"

It was the same person. Further review showed that he took the tokens and immediately walked to the exit.

When he was about 20 feet from the exit, one of our Security Officers exited right behind him, simply to walk outside—he had NO CLUE the man in front of him had just taken over $1000 in tokens.

Our only assumption then was the man thought the officer was coming toward him and had a heart attack.


Security guards
