Terrifying First Date Red Flags

Most people are on their best behavior during a first date—but that isn’t always the case.

Some people just seem determined to put their worst foot forward, and we’re the ones left with our jaws dropped to the ground and searching for some way to just get out of the situation.

These Redditors went on the worst first dates imaginable, and they lived to tell the tales. Read on, if you dare.

1. It Was Just Like In The Movies

A guy I’d been friends with for a couple of years asked me out. We knew each other, so we should have been able to have a fairly normal night out—but no. We met at a restaurant and sat at the bar.

He ordered all meat appetizers despite me being a vegetarian and said, "You can eat this or go hungry". I ordered my own food.

Die Hard was just starting to play on the TV and he asked me if I liked it. I admitted that I had never seen Die Hard and he proceeded to describe the entire movie in real time. I am not exaggerating. I was not allowed to speak while he explained every single detail of the movie while the movie was playing silently on the bar TV.

I’d had too much to drink to leave early and drive home, so I just sat there and endured his two hour monologue while I slowly sobered up. When the movie finally, mercifully, finished, he asked the bartender for his check and said, "

I’m not paying for her, though". The bartender brought his check and then told me I didn’t owe anything.

After my date left, the bartender said it was one of the most painful things he’d ever witnessed and apparently he and some of the servers had been placing bets about how long this guy would actually talk about Die Hard.

I’m just glad I had a witness because it was so ridiculous. There was no second date and he literally never talked to me again.

These First Date Red Flags Will Have You Swiping Left


2. She Couldn’t Hide

This red flag came up before we even went on our first date. So, I met this guy on a dating site and he asked me on a date and I agreed. Later, I got a call from work saying a package had been delivered. It was a huge bouquet of flowers.

I was so confused. I asked him if he had sent them and he said, "I did! You said you had a bad day last Friday, so I wanted to make this Friday a good one for you".

Normally, I would absolutely love this gesture and be over the moon with this. But there was one glaring problem: I never told him where I worked, and I had told him I lived in a large city an hour away to be on the safe side. So, not only did he find my true town, but also found out where I had worked. This was an instant red flag and made me terrified.

These First Date Red Flags Will Have You Swiping Left


3. She Wasn’t Exactly Daddy’s Little Girl

This woman and I sat down to dinner and within ten minutes she brought up how her father felt sorry for any guy that dated her.

She continued for the next hour telling me about all the ways her father criticized her for playing games, and treating men poorly. I really didn’t get much of a word in.

After we left the restaurant, I drove her straight back home, while she continued talking the entire time. When she realized I’d stopped in her driveway, she asked me if she had said something wrong. I had to be totally honest with her. I said: "

Yes, about two hours of wrong for me. Have a good night". And drove straight home.

These First Date Red Flags Will Have You Swiping Left


4. They Met By Accident

This is what I knew about him before our first date: he had tragically lost his leg in a motorcycle accident. I also knew that he usually wore a prosthetic but at this time he was using a wheelchair.

He said this was because he had recently had surgery in his leg. All that was fine, and I offered to pick him up in my car.

We went out for breakfast and everything seemed fine, there were no major issues with him. When it came time to pay, his card was declined. He called his dad—who was also his boss—to figure out why his paycheck hadn’t been deposited.

This conversation went back and forth, and I ended up paying and he promised to pay me back. It totally wasn’t a big deal, it happens, I get it.

So, we got back to my car, which is a RAV4. He said that the last time he was around a RAV4, it was when his motorcycle accident happened. He’d hit into one that was pulling out of a restaurant and that’s when he lost his leg.

For some reason, that triggered a memory of a conversation I had with my mom a while back about my aunt who had the same car which was totaled during an accident.

Later, I was texting him and asked him a few more questions about the accident, where it happened, and such. Long story short, it was my aunt who was driving the car that pulled out of the restaurant, which he crashed into.

He was currently in the process of suing her because of it. This was despite the fact that he was going almost double the speed limit at the time and didn’t even have his license.

Needless to say, there was no second date. He never did pay me back for breakfast.

These First Date Red Flags Will Have You Swiping Left
