Utterly Mortifying Mess-Ups

Everyone has put their foot in their mouth from time to time. Sometimes it’s over something silly and sometimes, a situation comes up that’s a little more...unfortunate.

Well, these people took to Reddit to share stories that will leave you feeling relieved that you aren’t them. They are living proof that no matter how bad your mortifying mess-ups are, there's always someone who's done something worse.

1. The Price Of Self-Awareness

As a new employee of an electrical contractor, I was tasked with mounting some components on a very large air conditioning condenser. At one point I drilled a hole to mount a pipe and I nicked the copper coil. I instantly realized I'd made a terrible mistake. I'll never forget the sound of the gas escaping the condenser. The outdoor area in which I was working became a completely foggy wasteland. I felt like an idiot.

The owner of my company was called, and he came out and looked at the damage. He then asked me—an employee of two weeks—if I knew what it was going to cost. I told him that I didn’t know, he replied with a figure in the thousands.

After a moment of silence I said, “Well, I guess that’s the price you pay for hiring idiots.”


Mortifying Mess-Ups


2. The Definition of Smooth

I was at work, and I was having a long day. At one point, I stuffed my hands into my pockets because I felt like I looked awkward with them dangling while I walked. They got hot and sweaty, and I got anxious, so I started doing this wiggle thing trying to get them out of there, but they were stuck. I looked up to realize someone was just watching me wiggle dance trying to get my hands unstuck. So, I just turned and started to run. I'm not proud of what happened next...

I was looking down at my hands though trying to figure out why they were still in my pockets, and I rammed right into a bookshelf —I work at a library.

So, books were falling, and I was laying there in a crumpled heap and some people gathered around. I managed to free my hands at this point, and somebody asked, “are you okay?!” to which I replied “pockets”

as I looked them all straight in the eye.


Mortifying Mess-Ups


3. A New Way To Sell

During a presentation to the Board of Directors and Executive team on behalf of my client, my well-dressed agency laid out a multi-million-dollar marketing plan in hopes they would buy. As I prepared to say that the campaign would grow and spread its wings, I instead said, "…and as the campaign spreads its legs…oh." Thankfully it was met with laughter from my client and my co-workers, but I have never lived it down.


Mortifying Mess-Ups


4. Looking Sharp

I was at my new job as a dishwasher, and at the end of the night we would all drink while we cleaned up. So, I was standing there talking to my boss, who I had known for like a week...I went to take a sip of my drink, but at the same time I was going to smooth down my hair, but instead of that happening I put my hand over my mouth and dumped my drink on the top of my head. There's no way to talk yourself out of THAT.

My boss didn't even react, other than turning around and walking away. Worst moment ever!


Mortifying Mess-Ups
