Truly Crazy Exes

There are some seriously messed up people in this world, and some of us are unfortunate enough to have attempted a relationship with them.

From next-level stalking to creepy revenge tactics, these Reddit stories might just have you thinking your crazy ex may not actually be all that crazy after all.

1. She Found A Loophole

My ex broke up with me for a week to sleep with a guy who was visiting because she, "loved me too much to cheat on me". She thought if she dumped me, it would be OK, as long as we got back together. She had no idea what was coming. I didn't get back with her. She wanted to "stay friends" and still tries to hit me up every eight or nine months.

She's engaged now though, so I think I'm free.


Black man wearing brown sweater seating on the bed with black woman wearing grey sweater looking sad.

Alex Green , Pexels

2. The Counteroffer, Though

I was dating a woman who suddenly stopped all communication with me out of the blue one day. Then after about two months, she called me and said "For $20 you can do anything you want with me". That's when she became crazy.

To clarify; I didn't actually do anything with her. I made a counteroffer for five bucks. I think she was offended. I haven't talked to her since then.


Young man talking on the cell phone.

Andrea Piacquadio , Pexels

3. Vegan Revenge

I knew my ex was crazy when she broke into my car and put an animal body under the driver's seat. It was a really weird move for a vegan.


A girl hiding inside an antique car.

EW CHEE GUAN , Shutterstock

4. That’s Some Serious Commitment

The fact that my ex stalked me at my work for years even AFTER she was married to someone else is what makes her the “crazy ex”. But that's not the weird part. The weird part is that her useless husband would drive her and sit out in the car with her. I moved 600 miles away. I still keep an eye out just in case.


Woman and man seating in the car.

Ali Karimiboroujeni, Pexels