Roommate Horror Stories

Living with someone isn’t always easy.  It can take a fair amount of patience and consideration to get along with another person. However, there are some roommates and living situations that are so difficult—so toxic and bizarre—that the best thing to do is pack your bags and get out fast. Buckle up, these nightmare roomies are the absolute worst.

1. Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

My roommate seemed like a normal, nice dude. He was a student at the local university. I had no problems with him until one day, law enforcement busted in and apprehended him while he was sleeping. The reason was utterly horrifying. I had no idea he had taken two guys and held them for ransom. One was set free weeks later, while the other wasn't so lucky.

The body was eventually found in a basement buried in the ground. I quickly moved out of there.


Worst roommate


2. Don’t Get Your Panties In A Pile

My roommate was a bit of a nightmare. She was the kind of person who would come home at three am on a weeknight, bringing half the pub in tow. She was perpetually late on bills and useless at keeping the kitchen clean.

She also had a bad habit when she went to take a shower. She would just drop/step out of her clothes, leaving them in a fabric pile on the floor in the bathroom, and not collect them for days.

One day when I got home from work, I went to take a shower. I encountered her usual filth pile, but something seemed off. I recoiled in horror when I realized that MY underpants were in her pile. The fabric was unique, and they were now beyond ruined, caked with poo and blood. I confronted her. It turned out she was not good at remembering to do her laundry, so would regularly take my clean underwear out of the drier then eventually sneak them back into my laundry basket.

I went to get a health screening after that.


Worst roommate


3. She’s Not Neat, But She’s A Freak

I was looking for a roommate when I was starting graduate school. I'm a guy, but I enjoy living in a clean apartment. I'm not a neat freak or anything, but I like things to be presentable.

Most of my college guy friends were pretty gross, so I thought, "Girls are clean! I'll live with one of my female friends!" As it so happened, one of my friends was also looking for a place.

She told me that she was a neat freak, and loved to clean. I thought, "Great! This will work out well." Nothing could have been further from the truth...She turned out to be the most disgusting human being I have ever encountered in my life, and also a pathological liar. When she ate a banana, she would peel the banana and just drop the peel on the floor. When she used eggs to cook, she would put the broken eggshells back in the fridge.

Every day I would ask her to do her dishes, and four days later the same dishes were in the sink building up a nice layer of mold. The worst part of it all is that WE HAD A DISHWASHER! She didn't even have to DO anything!

Just put them in the dishwasher! She also took two to three hour-long showers every day and would run through half a roll of toilet paper every day.

She would proceed to fill up our trash can with the thirty cans of Coke Zero that she drank every day, then make me take out the trash.

Every day when she got home from classes, she would take an hour-long shower, put on a bathrobe, sit on the floor, and eat junk food in front of the TV. The bottom half of her robe was all grimy, and the spot where she sat on the floor got grimy too.

There was a massive, circular stain left on the carpet.


Worst roommate


4. Even The Garbage Collector Won’t Touch It

Our garbage wasn't getting picked up. In the first week, I figured garbage collection had just missed us. In the second week, our can was full, so we left a bunch of bags next to it. They took the bags but didn't empty the can.

When the third week came around, I chased the collectors down the street to see what was going on.

The guy told me that they won't empty the cans because they are full of two-liter bottles of urine, and they won't take the risk of one breaking and squirting on them.

One of my roommates had been peeing in two-liter bottles because he was too lazy to walk to the bathroom, which was right next to his room. I had to pull them all out to get the trash people to finally empty our can.


Worst roommate
