Unbelievably Picky Customers

Although it is important not to compromise one’s standards—especially when paying for something—being picky can sometimes cross the line. No matter what these customers were asking for, what they really needed was a chill pill.

1. He Landed In The Thick Of It

I watched this guy come into the Wendy's and order a milkshake. It was standard stuff, except he came back with his girlfriend 10 minutes later with about one-tenth of the milkshake left in the cup and complained that the consistency was too “


He explained that a milkshake is a flavored, cold drink, and if they wanted a thick shake, they should have ordered a “thickshake”. Oh, but then the whole situation took a wild turn. The woman just turned to her boyfriend, took the cup, and threw it in the employee’s face.

Without missing a beat, the employee picked up a caramel sauce bottle, and squeezed it in the woman’s face, then flicked some sprinkles into the caramel sauce dripping from her forehead for effect.

He lost his job almost immediately, but I'm sure he thought it was worth it. I sure did.

Ridiculously Picky Customers


2. Well Done

Where I worked, people would often ask for their "undercooked" burgers to be remade. It was usually no big deal, but every once in a while, you would get a ridiculous customer.

This one time, a customer came up to the counter and told us their burger was undercooked and demanded we re-cook it. Unfortunately, they decided not to tell us until they were three-quarters done with the food. So, my manager happily obliged and had their burger remade. But he had the perfect trick up his sleeve.

After cooking the burger, he cut it into four pieces and cheekily presented the customer with a fresh quarter of a burger—well done. The look on their face was pure justice.

Ridiculously Picky Customers


3. Comparing Pineapples To Oranges

I worked at an Italian restaurant as a waitress. This lady in her 40s ordered a Hawaiian pizza and pitched a fit saying how we got her order wrong. I asked her what was wrong with it, and she said it wasn't a Hawaiian pizza and the toppings were wrong. I looked at it—and almost burst out laughing.

It had diced tomatoes, pineapples, and ham—exactly what the menu stated. I showed her this, and she said, "What are you talking about? These are yellow! Pineapples are orange!"

I was pretty confused, so I went to fetch my manager. He tried explaining that pineapples are quite yellow—not orange—and if she didn't like it, she could order something else on the house.

She got mad and said no, that she wanted the Hawaiian pizza, but with the right pineapples.

She started explaining what they looked like, and I said, "Wait, do you mean ORANGES," since she completely described oranges. She said, "NO, PINEAPPLES," and started describing oranges again.

At that point, I took my phone out, Googled oranges and pineapples, and showed her.

She pointed at the oranges and yelled at the top of her lungs, "YES, THOSE I want those". My manager told her we do not have those and that she could either pick something else or eat what she had. She left.

Ridiculously Picky Customers

Wikimedia Commons, @joefoodie

4. It Matters How You Slice It

A dude ordered a pizza that had fresh jalapenos on it; they were cut lengthwise. When I gave it to him, he flipped out and asked why we put bell peppers on it. I told him they were jalapenos, but he wasn’t having it. 

This guy barged right into the back kitchen and began mouthing off at the chef. He said he couldn’t believe he didn’t know the difference between bell peppers and jalapenos. The chef took out a whole jalapeno and said, “

This is a jalapeno, right?" The guest replied, “Yeah”.

Then, the chef cut it as it appeared on the pizza and said, “And that’s what you have, right?" The guest had a stunned look on his face and said, “…Yeah”. He left me an awful tip.

Ridiculously Picky Customers
