Unbelievable But True Stories

Everyone has a story to tell, but some people's stories are on another level. The unbelievable but true stories will have you screaming, "NO WAY!"

1. A Curious Combo

My mom had her eye make-up tattooed on, and was in some pain after the procedure. She asked my brother and I to go to the store for a couple of things. It wasn't until we were in the check-out line, receiving funny looks from the clerk, that we realized that we were two lone men buying nothing but cucumbers and vaseline. Somehow, I made it so much worse.

Without thinking I blurted out: "No, it's okay, he's my brother!" We received major stares. I finally just stopped talking, figured there was nothing I could do to salvage the situation, and just accepted the judgment.

Wild But True Stories


2. A Strange State Of Mind

I came back to the United States—Charleston, West Virginia to be exact—after living in England for four years. My friend failed to meet me at the airport, so I had to rent a car to drive 50 miles to my home.

Confused by the new construction around the airport, I stopped at the first gas station to ask for directions.

I asked the clerk at the gas station how to get to the main road going east. The clerk said that if you go east, you'll go into the ocean. I was super confused. He then pulled out a map. I couldn't believe my eyes. Sure enough, I had flown into Charleston, South Carolina not Charleston, West Virginia.

I spent the night in a motel and flew out the next day with a good story and minus $300 in my pocket.

Dodged A Bullet


3. He Was The Top Story

My dad is Norwegian, and spent his first year of college at University of Windsor near Toronto Canada.

There was some initial confusion on his part when it came to enrolling in courses, so he ended up not getting into any of the ones that he needed for his major.

He went to the registrar to complain about this, and was promptly told that he could blame himself. But he had the perfect revenge. My dad, having always been a clever jerk, decided to give the local new outlet—the CBC—a call. The CBC sent a reporter and a camera guy to my dad's dorm, and they proceeded to follow my dad around on campus.

It was a rainy day and the story looked like this: "A hopeful Norwegian boy came all the way to Canada to go to college, but didn't get to enroll in any of the courses he wanted.

Here he is, sad and alone, standing alone in the rain on campus at U of Windsor".

So the next morning, my dad wakes up and immediately turns on the TV to see if his story is on the local news. They had told him they weren't sure whether it would be or not.

To his disappointment his story is not featured, so he walks into the kitchen to make breakfast, TV still on in the background.

As the local news finishes, the national news broadcast starts. Turns out, my dad was the top story in all of Canada that day.

He was immediately contacted by the dean of the university, who apologized frantically and assured my dad that he could enroll in whatever courses he desired.

Wild But True Stories


4. Accident Changes Life

My first day of first grade, I was waiting for the bus with my mother. The street I lived on connected to a very busy huge hill of a main road. I watched this woman zoom down this curve on a bicycle going way too fast and hit a pothole. The worst happened. She flipped her bike and flew over her handlebars and hit a car that was coming up the road.

The traffic stopped and my mom ran to this lady. She took her shirt off and started wrapping her head with the bleeding. I stayed with this lady while my mom ran back to our house and called for help.

This was the early 90s and cell phones weren't a thing.

I guess life was a little more trusting back then too, because no one thought twice about a six-year-old caring for a bleeding unconscious woman in the road. But here's the kicker. None of these passengers in stopped cars did anything but stand around and watch.

I truly believe it was this strange and horrifying moment that made me the terribly over-cautious paranoid child I was and pursue nursing as an adult.

I will never ever forget that lady, and I never knew what happened to her either after the ambulance came and took her away.

HOW Did They Survive
