These Spouses Keep The Craziest Secrets

The person you love the most MIGHT be keeping the craziest secrets. Can we ever truly trust anyone?

1. Town Clown

My late husband was a clown, loved clowns, and went to clown gatherings. I played along and smiled and laughed and thought he was eccentric. He was the thing I loved most—but the clown thing was getting old. We had been together for 10 years before getting married and as we were beginning to plan our wedding, he seriously suggested that we have a zombie clown-themed wedding. I've never been so horrified.

Absolutely not, that was where the clown stuff needed to not overlap into my life. After a short time, we were able to come to an agreement on the theme.

Unfortunately, about three months after we married, he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and passed within six weeks.

While he was sick and in hospice, I hired an artist friend to paint a portrait of my husband in his clown makeup and the painting arrived the evening before he passed and he got to see it. I’d do anything to have my clown back now.

Secrets from partner


2. There’s A Bee?!

He is terrified of bees/wasps. They are all "bees" to him. Completely terrified. Just the word "bee" will get him to start nervously looking around. If he was driving the car and a bee got in the window, I'd be afraid for my safety because there is a solid chance he'd accidentally crash. It's honestly a huge problem, and it scares me. He is very embarrassed about his fear though, he knows it's irrational. He can't seem to help it.

So, I have developed a sixth sense about the presence of bees. If we're outside and I see one buzzing around, I'll make sure I either stand in his way so he can't see it, or I'll make an excuse for him to go inside.

I've found wasp's nests in and around our house, and I take them out while he's at work and then never say a word about it.

If a wasp comes around and he sees it, he'll run away, but then I'll hunt it down and kill it so when he comes back out, he can have the peace of mind of seeing its corpse (from a distance).

He doesn't know that I've been on 24/7 bee patrol for him for the past three years. I'm afraid he'd feel humiliated if he knew, and maybe even get depressed about it. But I don't mind. They're just wasps and honeybees.

Secrets from partners


3. Can’t Sleep, Won’t Sleep

My girlfriend snores. Been with her 19 years and she snores EVERY night. Mostly I can get to sleep, and I sleep through it, but I KNOW I am not getting great sleep.

I've asked her to see if we can do something about it, even suggested we do didgeridoo lessons together (the breathing technique does wonders for snoring and why not learn a weird instrument?).

She's never really bothered. Her snoring can manifest as sleep apnea, which besides just not being good, is a contributor to anxiety (which she has) so it'd be good for her too. So, we've recently moved.

Two nights ago, the next-door neighbor’s dog was barking in the middle of the night and kept her up for an hour or two.

She kept mentioning it all day and kept telling me how tired she was. I gave some perfunctory sympathy but no more. If she'd known how I really felt, she'd be furious. Secretly, it was all I could do to not say "Welcome to EVERY NIGHT in my life".

Secrets from partner


4. Read You Like A Book

I knew he was going to propose. The man is so easy to read, he’s my open book! I love that about him, he wears all his emotions on his face.

He’ll plan a trip for my birthday months in advance but then be so excited and proud about surprising me that he has to tell me straight away or make me guess where we’re going.

He’s not so cracking at surprises, so he’s always SO proud of himself that he surprised me that one time, and that I had no idea! Except I did...

I heard him talking to his grandad about the ring and saw the heart-shaped lump in his pocket, plus he’d been talking about marriage all the time thinking he was being sly.

I’ll take it to the grave, it honestly makes him so happy, and he’d be so disappointed with himself if he thought he’d given it away. God, I love that man.

Secrets from partner
