These Secrets Are Life-Ruining

The following confessions run the gamut from funny to salacious to nasty nightmare fuel. In fact, you might want an Ouija board to send some of these skeletons back to the closets from whence they came.

1. A Series Of Unfortunate Events

On one autumn day when I was 11, I was told to take out the trash. As I was doing this, I noticed the box of matches next to our grill.

Since it was fall, I burned a small pile of old leaves for a couple of minutes and then stomped on them to put out the fire. BIG MISTAKE. Unbeknownst to me, all that did was push the embers right next to our house.

The next thing I knew, the house went up the flames. It was terrifying—but that wasn’t the worst of it. The firefighters put out the fire and the house insurance covered the damages, but the authorities were very curious about how it started. They suspected someone jumped to the fence and lit up the leaves to burn our house down.

Unfortunately, this caused my parents to think someone was out to get us. Scared for our lives, they decided to move elsewhere.  They lost their well-paying jobs and they lost a lot of money on the sale of the house.

For the next solid seven years, we lived in stress and poverty. My parents still do not know that I’m the reason they had to live like that.

Life-Ruining Secrets


2. Lucky Break

I got busted with a lot of computers from my work—about $25,000 worth—and pleaded guilty. But I got out of it for the craziest reason. The authorities spelled my name wrong and put down the wrong birthday. I also never gave them my license or social security number. I just kept saying, “I don’t remember it” over and over during my 90 days behind bars.

That was 34 years ago. Every few years, I still do background checks on my name and I’d be lying if I said that my heart doesn’t race each and every time I do it. Nope. Still not there.

Banned Books Facts


3. You Do You

I recently quit my job to become an exotic dancer—and it’s had a surprising side effect. First, the only person who knows this is my husband. I have more quality time with my family, I am more financially stable, I’ve gotten into better shape, and I don’t have to worry about budgets or bills as much. But that's just the tip of the iceberg.

If we need something in the house, it can go on the monthly or the weekly lists depending on severity. If my husband wants a new project, I can give him his guy time. If my kid is sick, I can afford the medicine.

I don’t have to worry about money, and neither does my family.

During my own childhood, I would agonize over whether we had food, electricity, heat, or tampons. It feels good to be able to provide for my family.

Life-Ruining Secrets


4. Hate The Game, Not The Player, Right?

I have managed to create a facade that makes it appear as if I have worked full-time on the project I was assigned to but it actually takes only me half of the time.

It was tricky but I have managed to organize things in a way that allows me to do anything except my work at the office. On home office days I mostly play video games.

Whenever I get asked how my work is going, I lie to make it look like I am fully swamped with my work and the schedules and deadlines, etc.

A side effect of this was that I got really good at lying and could deceive anyone about nearly anything and most people would actually believe it. I’ve been doing this for two years now.

If my coworkers or boss ever found out that I get paid for a full-time job while only working roughly 20 hours a week, I’d get fired immediately.

Additionally, I live in a small town, and getting caught would totally ruin my reputation and any chances at a potential new job. I also just want to say that I don’t feel bad about my behavior at all.

Dumb, And Sometimes Dumber, Bosses
