The Nastiest Friends EVER

Your friends are supposed to stick with you through thick and thin—but tragically, sometimes our friends turn out to be more like enemies...

1. This Friendship Went Six Feet Under

He was my best friend and a coworker at a funeral home where I worked. He leaked personal files that were information about the people we took in and tried to blame it on me. It was a serious mistake.

Those files included autopsies, pictures of the actual body, personal information, and so on. But that wasn't all.

He would also not follow the requests given by family members—religious practices such as thoroughly cleaning the body before burial and others.

He was just a horrible person overall, and I truly believe that he leaked those things for his own weird fixation, because he had serious problems and we were suspecting him already.

The Nastiest Friends


2. It Was God’s Will

I was a stay-at-home mom and my husband was the sole earner in our little family. Unfortunately, my husband had to step away from his job, because he was dealing with pretty severe mental health issues. It was really devastating not only financially, but socially as a lot of our social life revolved around his job and work friends. If this wasn’t bad enough, it quickly got worse.

I was really good friends with a coworker’s wife. The coworker moved into my husband’s higher-up position when my husband had to resign. We had to sell our home since we couldn’t make the mortgage payment anymore. The friend came to help me pack, and while doing so, he told me something that still makes my blood turn cold to this day.

She said that they always knew this would happen because the Lord had revealed it to her husband in a dream several years earlier. They had basically been waiting around for my husband to “fail” so that coworker could “succeed”

and fulfill the Lord’s prophecy. I said goodbye to her, moved out of state, and never looked back.

I won’t tolerate people using religion to be jerks.

The Nastiest Friends


3. Wife Needed Help

He was my best friend, and I knew his wife really well too from working together a few times. We all hung out together in a tight-knit circle of friends, and I announced that I was looking to move elsewhere to better work on myself, my career, and my independence. When his wife suggested that I journey a little closer to them, I took her up on the offer, and began planning very carefully. This was the beginning of the end.

I took a full year to plan and make my preparations, as I wanted to save enough money so I could live comfortably for a few months without a job. I wanted to be prepared in the event I couldn't find an employer. After six months, I had already saved several thousand dollars, and my friend fully realized I was serious about moving closer to him. That’s when something totally shocking happened: he started to try and talk me out of moving.

Soon he was trying to convince me not to move on a daily basis. While I understood that he needed space, I wanted to clarify as much as possible, that the move wasn't just to be closer to him, his wife, and our friends. He was not satisfied.

Eventually, moving day came, and I was really worried about how my friend would react.

I moved on his birthday, and I threw a big party for him.

He started getting inebriated and was teasing and poking fun at me progressively through the night, until even some of our friends were joining in saying really cruel things, which felt reall weird...

Eventually, our friends went home, he passed out, and his wife asked if I would sleep in the guest room for the night.

I thought it was odd, but I took her up on it. She told me it was the first time in some time that she had slept so well. I didn’t ask why at the time. A month later, I was still jobless.

I had applied for several positions and was pretty confident in my chances, but I had not heard anything back. He was also unemployed and considered himself a stay-at-home dad despite not having kids.

He said that his wife makes the money and he handles taking care of the house. I jokingly said that it seemed like all he really did was play games all day, and noted that I have seen his wife clean more than him. This was the wrong thing to say.

He didn't like it when I pointed that out to him, and his wife asked me to stop saying things like that and also to stop talking about job searching. I obliged but was kind of worried about what was going on.

Shortly after, I got a call saying that he was being rushed to the hospital in need of emergency surgery.

It was appendicitis, and, due to complications, he was kept at the hospital an extra day. While he was still in the hospital, I visited his wife unannounced and gave her some flowers and brought a pizza since she must've been worried.

She said that if he found out I was there he would go ballistic, and, without questioning it, I said my condolences and left.

All these weird things his wife was saying were starting to make me really nervous. The day after he had returned from the hospital was when everything was over, at least for me. He had never had surgery before and was limping around the house.

His wife called me and asked if I would help her with the laundry in the basement, since he couldn't do it himself.

I came over and headed straight down into the basement, where she was waiting for me. She was obviously very distraught and needed to tell me something. She was choking on her words and stated that he was passed out on the couch after getting high on his post-surgical pain medication.

She kept her voice down and whispered quieter than a mouse. She told me that he cruelly mistreated her, mainly mentally and physically, and oftentimes would try to do “it”

with her while she was asleep or even threaten to harm himself if she did not obey him.

She went on to say that she felt trapped and that he felt intimidated when I began planning my move.

She said that he had been spreading rumors to our group of friends, that I was planning on trying to take his wife away from him, and that I was making threats against him and his wife for not including me in everything they did.

Obviously, I was hurt. It was my first legitimate friendship with someone that felt meaningful and real. I admittedly was skeptical to hear this, even after she had shown me some messages.

She told me that he demanded her passwords to all of her socials and even demanded to see her text messages every day. I still had my doubts, but I stood by her.

We finished the laundry, and when I went upstairs, he was there at the door, high on pain meds. He told her to go to the bedroom, and when she said she still had to go to the store, he grabbed her by the hair and told her she can go "after".

I grabbed her and told him that we would be back later and that he shouldn't wait up.

Inside me, all the respect I had for him was gone, the love I had for him, he was like a brother to me. It shattered, and I held back tears as his wife confessed everything she had been through because of him for the next four hours.

She admitted that she wanted me to move closer so someone could finally witness his horrible treatment of her firsthand, and she knew she couldn't say anything to anyone online since her social media was being monitored.

That was years ago at this point, and I still feel like I can't trust another person. The divorce they went through too was extra messy, and it led to our whole circle falling apart almost completely.

As painful as it was, I guess I'm just glad I found the truth out sooner than later.

The Nastiest Friends


4. Designated Driver

He’d been my best friend for 11 years. After a night of drinking and a good time with friends, the girl I was newly starting to see and vibe with and I were heading in opposite directions. He was the designated driver and was stone-cold sober and heading in her direction. It was then decided that he would take her home and I would catch an Uber. Big mistake on my part.

Being my best mate, I thought nothing of it. I trusted him wholeheartedly and so did she—turns out we were both delusional. When he was taking her home he tried to force himself on her.  Luckily she knew some martial arts and fought him off. He then used text messages out of context to paint me in a bad light to further his goal of getting with her.

Now here’s the real kicker: he met up with me the next day with a smile on his face like literally nothing happened. He just said he dropped her off safely. I only found out a few days after when she told me what had happened. She and I both had to process what had happened. Needless to say, it chilled me to the bone.

I can still vividly remember the smile on his face. After this, I cut all contact with him, and he was exiled from our friend group. We haven’t spoken in four years.

The Nastiest Friends
