Red Flag Weddings

When two people decide to get married, everyone hopes for a “happily ever after” ending. Sometimes, though, the union is doomed from the start.

1. Work Wife Vs. Real Wife

The groom's behavior at this wedding was jaw-dropping. He spent almost the entire wedding glued to his female work colleague, to the point that the bride had to drag him away for their first dance. They also kept going off somewhere together. You could see the obvious hurt on the bride's face throughout the day. But that’s not the craziest part. 

Prior to the wedding, he'd taken his colleague away abroad for his stag. It was just the two of them, despite the bride's protests, and in his wedding speech, he pointed his colleague out and told her that he'd had "the best time of his life"

that weekend.

They're still together at the moment, but I don't see it being the happy ending that the bride was so desperate for.

Red Flag Wedding Moments


2. Nothing But Complaints

The bride-to-be told me two days before the wedding that she found her fiancé annoying and that she didn’t like him, and that he was AWFUL in bed. She was visibly, endlessly uncomfortable at the rehearsal wedding/dinner combination.

Then, she cried the ENTIRE morning, the day of her wedding.

She ended up not getting any makeup done because she wouldn’t stop scream-crying, and refused to get dressed, stalling the wedding for about 35 minutes. She then said 45 minutes of “vows” that she had prepared.

It was nine pages of things like inappropriate vows to friends and family, his parents and sisters, but none of them were to her husband.

Then, she ALMOST didn’t say “I do”. They managed to get a, “Uh, yeah, okay, yeah I do” out of her almost a full 60 seconds after she was supposed to say anything. I could go on for HOURS, but it was the most painful and awkward wedding I have ever been to. I’ve got my money on it lasting about 10 months. Even now, things are a mess for them.

Two and a half months later, she would gossip about how awful her husband was, and they were in couples therapy. At five months, there were fighting non-stop and there were no more lovey-dovey images on social media.

They seem to be right on track for a 10-month breakup as I predicted.

Red Flag Wedding Moments


3. Their Vows Didn’t Show Much Promise

The bride and groom's families were not on board. Both families detested one another, so the wedding was one of the most cringey events I've ever been to. The bride’s vows made things especially awkward. She said something along the lines of “I promise to try and be worthy of your family”—and we all raised eyebrows at each other.

The groom’s speech was all about how much he has helped his bride change for the better and how he “made her what she is”. My eyebrows were practically falling off the top of my head at that point.

It’s been a few months so I guess we will wait and see, but I found it to be very controlling.

Red Flag Wedding Moments


4. Teenage Wasteland Wedding

My cousin's wedding was a fiasco to remember. His bride had only just turned 18 and was still in high school. She was also six months pregnant. Her grandfather was the officiant and he gave a big speech about how marriage was only between one man and one woman and no one can tear apart what God puts together. 

They opened their gifts in front of everyone like it was a birthday party. There were no drinks, dancing, or food. Within 30–40 minutes after the gift opening, the "happy"

couple peeled out of the Boy Scout lodge, doing donuts while her teenage friends cheered them on.

They spent the night at the hotel everyone was staying at—separately—which consisted of him getting trashed with his friends while she was alone in their room. In front of our entire family, my sister said, "I give them a year." She was wrong, though.

Within three months of the kid arriving, they had split and my cousin swears the kid isn't his. The whole wedding was one giant red flag.

Red Flag Wedding Moments
