My Gut Feeling Was 100% Right

Every once in a while, we get an unexplainable gut feeling—and we can either choose to ignore it or heed its warning. These stories prove that, sometimes, our gut feelings can be 100% right.

1. A Perfect Moment In Time

My parents rented a beach house for their 33rd anniversary. Since I lived close by, I met them there for a mini family vacation. On the last night of the trip, we were all hanging out in the living room watching TV after eating dinner.

Suddenly, I got the overwhelming sense that this would be the last time my life would ever be truly perfect.

I was in my favorite place, staying at my favorite beach house that my parents had been renting since I was four. Both of my parents were healthy and well, sitting on the couch beside me, and both of my dogs were snuggled up to my side. The feeling was so strong that I even took out my phone and took a video panning the room because I had a feeling that it would be a moment I would never want to forget. It's like a part of me knew what was about to happen.

The next day, after packing the car, I hugged my parents goodbye, told them how much I loved them, and that I would see them when I would be home for the holidays.

Less than two months later, my mom passed instantly from what they believed was a brain aneurysm. She was completely healthy with no prior conditions and had no symptoms before it happened to alert her that anything was wrong.

I had gone to bed early the night prior to her passing, and when I woke up, I had two text messages—a goodnight text from my mom sent after I had fallen asleep at 10:04 PM telling me how much she loved me, and another from my dad at 7 AM saying, “

Call me now, it’s very important". Half of me vanished that day with her.

Gut Feeling facts


2. Summer Of Sadness

My mom was a crazy hippie. I moved out when I was 16 and was eventually able to establish a close but cautious relationship with her. At that point, she was living on a boat in the Florida Keys.

I loved her dearly, but she suffered from addictions and was in a relationship that was not healthy. I started having nightmares about her boyfriend calling me.

In the dreams, he would tell me she fell off the boat, and they couldn't find her. My gut told me I couldn't be the one to save her. She was a grown woman making her own choices.

I decided to cut contact with her again, but I kept putting off the conversation. I figured I would do it after her birthday. Two days before her birthday, I got the call.

She fell into the ocean while intoxicated, and her body wasn't found until the next morning.

Banned For Life Facts


3. Something Seemed Fishy

When I was about 14, I met this guy online who had just turned 15 and lived in my area. It was so cool.

After a couple of months of talking to him and him displaying a million red flags that I was too naive to see, I finally gave in to him begging me to meet up. He was cute and kept extremely active/fit, and I really had to talk myself into it.

On my walk to meet him, every cell in my body was screaming at me not to go, but I pushed past all of it. He was actually more like 30 years old, at least 350 lbs, and super unwashed and stinky. I had no idea it was even him, I just walked right past him, and then he called my name. I was instantly scared. We talked for a few minutes, and he kept telling me I had to kiss him because I made him wait months "for this".

He kept looking at a car that was driving by repeatedly and said it was his mom checking in on him. It was wintertime, and he joked about how stupid I was that I walked there because he could just follow my footprints back to my house.

He laughed and called me weird names. The whole interaction lasted about 20 minutes before I finally got the courage to tell him I was leaving.

I didn't kiss him, but I did let him hug me, which of course, was also a mistake. He dove his face deep into my neck, smelling me and rubbing his hands all over my body. When he let me push him off, I just said, "Ok, bye," and left.

I made sure I walked in the opposite direction of my house and away from him. I walked around for nearly three hours before going home, which was a five-minute walk from where we met.

He still managed to stalk me for a few years, and I was too scared to tell anyone because I thought it was my fault.

Gut Feeling facts


4. I Knew It Was More Than Indigestion

My husband had a lot of health problems. Insomnia was a regular occurrence. One night, he couldn't sleep. He couldn't get comfortable because of his nausea and pain, which weren't uncommon symptoms for him, but it seemed a little worse than usual.

I knew that heart attack symptoms can be subtle and are often mistaken for heartburn or stomach upset.

I told him that and suggested we go to the hospital to play it safe. He said no. He had some testing done months later, and we learned that he had a "silent" heart attack.

They couldn't give us a date, but the time frame matched up with the night he couldn't sleep. I should have put my foot down and made him go to the hospital.

Improve Their Lives facts
