My Date Turned Out To Be A Total Psycho

Dating can be rough, especially when a potentially attractive mate turns out to be a total psycho. These unfortunate stories are proof.

1. Careful What You Wish For

I had been dating this guy for a while and thought things were going pretty well. He took me to see Aladdin, and when we got back to my place, everything was normal. We were conversing, and suddenly he got this weird look in his eyes.

He said, “I can't see you anymore. I'm afraid I might hurt you”.  I was thinking hurt me psychologically, like cheat on me. I laughed and told him not to worry; I was a grown-up, and whatever happened, we could try and work it out. His voice changed, he looked even worse.

He went on, “You don't understand. I've been having these dreams where I hurt you. I mean really hurt you”. Then, he jumped off the couch and ran out the front door. I never saw him again and never tried to call him because it shook me up.

He seemed so normal up to that point.

My Date Turned Out To Be Psycho

Flickr, David Zellaby

2. He Was A Hippie Freak

I was dating a guy for a month who was a slightly eccentric hippie with a kind heart and a love for spontaneity and bike trips. Then, one day when in the shower, he dropped a bombshell on me.

He casually mentioned he had two kids, was 14 years older than me—not five—and his kids’ mom had a restraining order against him.

He ended up pouring patchouli oil all over my door, leaving cursed voodoo eggs on my porch, and sabotaging my bike, so when I went down a steep hill, the brakes fell off, and the bike crumbled.

My Date Turned Out To Be Psycho

Flickr, Dave Bezaire

3. Her Fate Was Sealed With A Fish

I took my date and her four-year-old boy to a carnival, and the kid won a pair of goldfish. They were in a clear plastic bag like pet stores use. The boy was very excited. On the way to the car, without saying a word, she did the unthinkable.

She slammed the bag on the pavement, bursting it, and then stomped on the flopping fish. The boy was instantly distraught. When I asked her why she did it, she replied, “They probably wouldn't have made it anyway”. Then, she called a few weeks later to ask why I had not called her.

My Date Turned Out To Be Psycho


4. Banging Her Head Against A Wall

One night after a fight, I was lying in bed, and my girlfriend fell out of the bed. Maybe she rolled out, but it seemed like a fall. She then stood up and started running into the walls. I just stared in horror. She bloodied herself up real good, and I couldn't get her to stop. The downstairs neighbor heard the commotion and called the authorities.

Officers showed up and saw her sitting on the couch, all bloody. As a result, they became very interested in me. I tried to explain to them she was running into the walls herself, but they didn’t believe me—who in their right mind would?

Fortunately for me, she stood up and ran across the room, right into a wall, practically knocking herself out. The officers ushered us to the hospital.

After the hospital staff took her into the back by herself—to ask her if I was hurting her, I'm sure—they allowed me in the back room.

While waiting, she got out of bed, grabbed a bunch of gauze from the cabinet, and started wiping the floor with it. I asked her what she was doing...Her answer was wild. She told me that she was cleaning the floor so the fish could see out of it.

My Date Turned Out To Be Psycho
