Marriages Gone SO Wrong

Not all marriages are meant to last forever. These divorced folks spilled ALL the tea on the "last straw" that upended their awful relationships.

1. Laughter Is Not The Best Medicine

I had been suspicious of my wife for a while, so I picked up her cell phone and called the last number. It was her boyfriend, which I had suspected. I walked over to my wife and put the phone on speaker.

I confronted them about the affair and they both just laughed. I said, “Let’s see if that guy comes to your rescue when you really need him or if you’re just a booty call”.

When I made my final exit out of the driveway it felt pretty liberating—and even better knowing that I was the one who brought in 100 percent of our income. And I even got the last laugh: When things eventually cooled off, I asked her how they were doing, and she said she hadn’t heard from him since that day.

Marriages gone wrong


2. The Cat Ate My (Therapy) Homework

This one time, I noticed our cat batting around a crumpled piece of paper on the floor. When I picked it up and uncrumpled it, I saw that it was a letter to me. When I read what it said, my stomach dropped. It was a therapy tool—that my wife had never intended to give me. In it, she had poured out all of our problems, including a few I didn’t even know about. It was very eye-opening.

The upside is that once we talked about everything, we realized that neither of us wanted to be married anymore. There was a massive sense of relief all around, and as far as divorces go, it was pretty amicable.

We do have a daughter (me and the ex, not me and the cat), and every decision we made was with her well-being in mind.

In fact, four years after the divorce, we get along so well that we are cohabiting again as platonic roommates. It is nice that our daughter gets to have both parents in the same house again—and there are now three cats and a dog.

Marriages gone wrong

Flickr, Old Photo Profile

3. Ouch!

My husband was out of town on a business trip and I had surgery scheduled for the same time. It was supposed to be day surgery, pretty straightforward, and I should have been home that evening.

Unfortunately, there were some complications and I ended up in the ICU for two days and then had to stay in the hospital for four more days after that to recover.

My friend called my husband and told him that he needed to come home because I almost didn't survive the surgery and was in the ICU. His response was devastating: “Well, she's alive, so I’ll be home when my business trip is over”. But that wasn't even the last straw. After he got home from the trip and I got home from the hospital, he was nice enough to leave his hotel invoice on our dresser—a room with two occupants.

Marriages gone wrong


4. Betrayal + Time = Comedy?

Late one Friday evening my dad was having a shower because he needed to go to his mother’s house to help her with something. The phone rang and my mother was resting in bed, so she answered it. A young female voice said, “

‘Hey [my dad], come on down to the bar! I’m here waiting for you!! You owe me a drink, hottie”!

My mom said, “This isn’t [my dad]. This is his eight-month-pregnant wife”. The girl on the other end paused for a moment and then said, “So, is he coming or not”? When my dad finally got out of the shower, my mom told him that a girl called from the bar asking for him. According to my mom, his face went white as a sheet.

After that, there was a long dance of trying to throw him out. Thankfully, my mom can laugh about this story now.

Marriages gone wrong
