Jaw-Dropping Family Secrets Exposed

There is an old Buddhist adage that says, “Three things cannot stay hidden—the sun, the moon, and the truth”. From the looks of things, it seems like the Buddha was right.

Family secrets that are kept locked away—even for generations—always seem to surface.

1. What May Not Have Been

When my brother and I were young kids, our mother confessed a tragic secret. Before meeting our father, she'd been married to another man. Sadly, her husband lost his life in Vietnam or something service-related when she was only 21. It blew our minds that we may not have existed. I now see why we were not told about this sooner. 

It also explained the mysterious birthday cards we received from "grandma's neighbor," who was actually the mother of Mom's first husband.

Shocking Family Secrets Revealed


2.  The Flame That Fed The Fire

I burned down the backyard. I was seven or eight, had no babysitter, and was experimenting with matches and cotton. I started a backyard grass fire but had no hose.

I frantically called my mother crying, blaming the whole thing on homeless people who'd thrown matches over the fence.

For 22 years, they let me believe I had gotten away with it. At the time, they seemed to believe me. Mom faked a babysitter, and neighbors whispered, but it all settled down. It turns out that this whole time they knew I burnt down the yard.

The fireman knew it, the neighbors, parents, they all just let me believe it and kept it a hilarious inside joke amongst themselves until the night I went to admit it.Their response honestly took me surprise. It was my most important confession, and they all cackled with laughter.

Shocking Family Secrets Revealed

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3. Something Was Bugging Me

We had a cockroach problem when I was a kid. We kept putting down traps and spraying stuff around the house but could never figure out where they were coming from. As time passed, my parents decided I needed a new mattress for my waterbed, so we drained it. But when my father lifted up the mattress, he made a chilling discovery.

I was in a separate room, so they thought I didn't hear, but the roach nest was under my waterbed mattress. It had a pinhole leak which created the perfect environment for them. Since I wasn't in the room, all I was told was that something went wrong when he was draining it, and water sprayed everywhere. 

However, I heard them talking quietly about how THAT must have been why I had so many sleeping problems and why cockroaches were crawling on me while I was asleep. I try not to think about it often.

Shocking Family Secrets Revealed


4. A Terrible Accident

When I was about 10, I remember my dad suddenly going into a very deep depression. He would stay in bed for days at a time, cry often, and was having a therapist come to the house. He eventually recovered and went back to being the dad I remember.

I never knew what happened, but about 30 years later, my uncle (my dad’s brother) told me. My dad was driving home from work one day, and a child ran out in the middle of the street. My dad hit him and the boy didn't make it.

The boys’ mother, who saw the whole thing, was quick to admit that there was nothing my dad could’ve done.

The authorities investigated, and cleared him of any wrongdoing. To this day, my dad doesn’t know that I know, and I plan on keeping it that way.

Crying man with tears on face

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