Betrayed By My Best Friend

Friendships can be complicated and messy. However, being betrayed is straight-up the worst. From lying to thieving, these are some of the worst betrayals ever encountered.

1. Betrayed Over A Bloke

I had just escaped my husband with my kids, and my best friend at the time said I could stay with her. Her husband was in the service, so he'd be deploying soon, and she didn't want to be alone. It worked out great for a month.

Then, an acquaintance of mine came over and met my friend. We all hung out one night, just talking and laughing.

My friend's husband left for training, and that's when everything went south. She tried to get with the acquaintance. She was turned down and blamed me. She had it in her head that I had sabotaged her chances. As a result, she went completely off the rails. 

She took money from me, hacked into my email account, and started emailing business contacts and clients with awful lies, took from my kids, and tossed me out on my behind as I was looking for a place to go.

I got away from her and finally started a new life. But she wasn't done yet.

Her final act of betrayal was when she ran into my terrible ex and told him that we were with her the whole time and where he could find me and the kids.

Betrayed By My Bestie


2. He Pilfered My Prom Date

In my last year of high school, I was head over heels for this girl named Ashley. My three friends and I were hanging out one weekend at a friend's house. We were lying there, and we asked one another who we were taking/asking to the prom.

Chris was taking his girlfriend, Nel was taking some girl he was talking to, and Nich said, "I'm not sure yet. I may not even go". When they asked me, I said, "Guys, tomorrow is the day I grow the balls to ask Ashley on a date".

The next day, I walked up to Ashley and said, "Hey, I have a question! Are you going to prom with anyone?" She responded, "Yeah! I'm going with your friend Nich. He asked me about five minutes ago". I couldn't believe it—but karma came for him in the end. Nich got her pregnant that night. He's paying child support.

Betrayed By My Bestie


3. This Christian Girl Was Pure Evil

In middle school, I became close friends with this very bubbly Christian girl. But she wasn't who I thought she was. I had trichotillomania from fifth grade on, and it was now eighth grade. Half of my head was bald at one point. I got bullied ruthlessly. 

I had zero friends, and by some miracle, this nice little Christian girl came up to me and started writing me notes in class.

I thought she must be a very good person—she was in all these extracurricular activities helping the community, in youth groups, etc. I was also religious and thought it must've been God answering my prayers.

In addition to the anxiety/trich, I was diagnosed with an 8 mm mass in my left temporal lobe that was deemed inoperable. There was a history of brain tumors in my family.

I was relatively at peace with losing my life, but my parents were visibly shaken, and I felt I hadn't really lived yet.

This girl came to school on the last day and wrote me a final letter before we all went home. She seemed distant and told me not to open it until I got home. Its contents shocked me to the core.

It said, "You're really ugly and disgusting. Nobody likes you, so I decided to be your friend because that's what Jesus would want, but you are really really gross, and I am NOT your friend. I was never your friend.

People are bullying me for being nice to you. Don't EVER talk to me again after this. Goodbye!"

Betrayed By My Bestie


4. My Friend, My Foe

This guy was my closest friend. I lived with him after letting him co-rent a place my mother owned so he could pay lower rent and save up his spare cash. About six months in,he kept vanishing at night, giving reasons like, "I'm going out with work" and "I'm meeting the lads". However, the truth was devastating. 

It turned out he was sleeping with my girlfriend. He didn't have the guts to confront me about it and talk it through. After months of angry messages, I cut my losses and decided to be the bigger man.

I found myself a new girl who was utterly amazing and my now ex-best friend was dating my now ex-girlfriend.

I put my best foot forward and on a trip around Europe, and sent him a message telling him I'm happy to put things behind us and meet up when I get back so we could be friends again. I got back home a couple of weeks later and was about to leave my house to go over and see him when my current girlfriend showed up. She dropped a bombshell on me.

She sat me down and explained that over the past couple of weeks my "friend" had been sending her text messages begging her to sleep with him. She showed me the messages and I haven't spoken to the guy since.

Betrayed By My Bestie
