Best Friends To Enemies

BFFs don’t always last forever, and even the best of friendships can end in the worst ways. From unpaid debts to spreading gossip, these people share the most memorable and infuriating reasons why they broke off a friendship.

1. Wild Support Payments

I lost close to $5,000 to a friend. He was going through a bad breakup and needed to pay child support.

He told me that the first child support payment had gone out of his account without him expecting it and he had nothing to cover his expenses and rent for the month.

I loaned him a total of $5,000 over about three weeks, and this was also when my wife and I were planning our wedding so we had a heap of expenses, but a bro needed help and that was a priority. Later, I found out the dark truth about him. 

Some mutual friends confessed to me that he’d used the money on living large and a few big weekends out with girls. I confronted him, he told me he couldn’t pay, then started ducking me.

I moved away after I got married and he ended up no longer speaking to our group of friends once they all found out about it.

Ten years of friendship, gone.

Best Friends For Never


2. Son Of A…

I went on a mini-vacation, which was supposed to be four days, with my best friend in 2021 to New Jersey. She brought her then-eight-year-old son, and I brought my then-four-year-old daughter. The whole thing ended up being a HUGE mistake.

Her son was so disrespectful, dropped curse words, had a nasty attitude, and was so mean to my daughter the entire trip. The last straw was on the morning of the third day when he ripped a box of cereal out of my daughter's hand.

She started crying and he smacked her across her head.

I tried disciplining him and my friend blew up at me and proceeded to DEFEND her son, as she called my daughter a "whiny baby". We started arguing, I packed our bags and said we were leaving.

I drove four hours home without saying a single word to her or her son.

Got to her house, threw her bags on her front lawn, and peeled out of her driveway.

Best Friends For Never


3. Jurassic Snark

I cut ties with my friend due to lots of little things that eventually became too much. For example, 7-8 years ago, he bought 15 tickets for a midnight premiere of Jurassic World for our entire friends group to attend. The day of the show, he texted me with disappointing news. He said that he forgot to buy "my" ticket, so I couldn't go. 

Of the 15 he bought, how did he decide it was "my" ticket that he didn't buy? Well, it turns out, he gave my ticket to a girl he met the week prior so he could take her instead. That was just one of many things.

It's all truly minor stuff like that, but when you have 100 minor things, it becomes clear that they aren't actually your friend anymore.

How I Realized They Were Cheating


4. Two In One

My mom’s friend had a son that was 3-4 years younger than me so we became friends by default. Honestly, I just tolerated him because was a foul-mouthed little instigator whose mom let him get away with everything and never disciplined him—but then he went too far. 

One summer day we had all just gotten back from going somewhere, I had gotten myself in trouble with Mom and was given a time out on the front porch while our moms went inside.

He proceeded to get my toy cars out, and while I’m sitting there he starts throwing them at me and calling me names with every throw.

I’d had enough of being pelted and threw one back. And he screamed his head off and started bawling. But I wasn’t the only one who lost a friend that day. His mom came out of the house, scooped him up, yelled at me, and took off in her car. My mom asked me what happened and I told her. 

She didn’t blame me for not taking it, and called up his mom to explain everything. She wouldn’t hear it, hung up on my mom and that was it.

Straight-Up Awful Guests
