Insane Exes

Cutting ties with someone, whether it be a friend or partner, is never easy. What makes it worse is when that person goes berserk.

Whether their outlandish behavior is the reason for the breakup or the result of it, cutting the crazy loose is always a relief.

1. You’ve Got Mail

When my former girlfriend discovered I wanted to end our relationship, she started getting mail delivered to my place. Even after the break-up, she refused to leave.

I got the authorities involved, but since she got her mail at my place, they considered it her residence too.

Facing this daunting situation, I devised a strategy. I had to ask my landlord to kick me out to ensure she'd leave. After she was gone, my landlord withdrew the eviction notice, and I was able to move back in.

Insane Exes facts


2. Three’s Company

When my ex-girlfriend knew I was seeing someone else, she and her friend attempted to seduce me—she wanted to ruin my current relationship. I wasn't having any of that, so I said no.

Afterwards, she persuaded the same friend to get close to one of my pals. This friend tricked my pal into inviting my ex to a party at his place—a party I was also attending.

I briefly escaped the crowd by stepping into the bathroom. As I exited, my heart skipped a beat. There she was. It was unexpected and startled me. I told her politely that I was about to leave. Instead of moving aside, she barged past me, pushing me back into the bathroom and locking us in. 

I immediately called for help. Thankfully, my mate and a few others came to the rescue. They unlocked the door, removed her, and I was able to get out. But she wasn't done with me yet.

As I headed upstairs to leave, she sprinted out the door and positioned herself by my truck. Just standing there, despite us having ended our relationship months ago.

At this point, one of her friends approached me, offering a way out. If I told her I wanted no further communication or interactions with my her, she would back down. I agreed and told her exactly that. I waited a bit before cautiously peering outside. Seemingly, the coast was clear. As I made my way to my truck, I heard a shriek.

Turning, I saw my ex sprinting towards me, shouting. Then, a woman I didn't know effectively tackled my ex, telling her to leave.

Once I was far enough away, I received a call from the party—that my ex had locked herself in the bathroom, threatening self-harm. I called her parents and kept going.

Now, all of this madness came after she had: bombarded me with calls from multiple numbers, damaged my new girlfriend's car, manipulated a vulnerable friend of mine to win a spot in our social circle, and shadowed my every move to and from work.

Fast forward two years, I'm in college with a new phone number. Out of the blue, I receive a call. It's her. I have no idea how she tracked me down. She asked me if I was attending the local university, to which I said yes. However, I wasn't actually there; I was enrolled in a state college. 

She, unknowingly, enrolled in the university I lied about. I only heard from her one additional time after that incident, hoping it would be the last.

Shameful Notifications facts


3. Scream Queen

My then-girlfriend was spending the night at my place. Since I had put in extra hours at work the previous evening, all I wanted was to sleep in. She made a few attempts to wake me, but seeing that it wasn't working, I dozed off again. After a while, when she could wait no longer, she resorted to a rather drastic method.

Positioning her mouth right against my ear, she let out a scream, similar to the shrieking sounds you hear in horror films. The excruciating pain hit me right away.

Even now, fifteen years down the line, if I am in a noisy surrounding, a buzzing noise reverberates in my left ear, similar to the sound of a trapped wasp.

It's exactly like an overused speaker that's on the verge of giving way. Weirdly, this wasn't the only crazy thing she did to me.

Insane Exes facts


4. Finally Dumped

I was questioning my relationship with my boyfriend of two months and shared my feelings via text with a male friend. My boyfriend snooped through my phone and wrongfully accused me of being unfaithful with the friend. He freaked out. He dramatically packed his belongings and decided to leave. 

After departing, he paused on my porch for a bit, reflecting on his actions. Soon, he reconsidered his decision and pleaded to be let in. I stood my ground and declined, while he cried and clawed at my door for the next couple of hours.

A few days later, he laid claim to my microwave, a surprise gift he'd given me when I was out of town once.

To keep things civil, I placed it on the porch, and watched him not only take it, but throw it into my bin nearby. Risking a backlash, I confronted him via text about his childish actions and the wastefulness of it all.

He could have reused or gifted the microwave.

Consequently, he drove back, retrieved the discarded appliance from the bin, and placed it back on my porch. After thoroughly cleaning it, I returned it to my kitchen.

But then I received YET ANOTHER text, this one insisting I return the microwave on behalf of his supposed "friend". To appease him, I once again left it on the porch.

Later that day, to my disbelief, he tossed it in the bin for the second time. At this point, I simply opted to purchase a new microwave from Walmart.

Insane Exes facts
