Exposing The Dumbest Of The Dumb

Albert Einstein once said, “Only two things are infinite, the universe and stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former”.  Indeed, there seems to be an endless supply of stupid in the world.

However, sometimes even seemingly intelligent people say things so ridiculous that there are no words by which to respond.

1. This Was Out Of The Ordinary

I was in an ASL class, and we were learning signs for different sodas. We went through them all, but the girl sitting next to me seemed to be a bit confused. She looked like she had a question but was just too scared to ask. So, I leaned over and said, "Are you alright? Did you miss one"? She looked at me and asked, "I get why we're learning sodas, but who is Dr. Pepper"?


Dumbest Things Heard facts

Flickr, cyclonebill

2. Something Didn’t Gel Well

My friend once thought aloe vera was the name of some European model. Since cosmetic ads would always say the product name and add “with aloe vera”

as they showed a number of models washing their faces or whatnot in the background, he believed that aloe vera was one of them. He actually said something to the effect of, “It’s crazy how she gets hired for literally every single commercial”.


Dumbest Of The Dumb


3. Geography Was Not Their Strong Suit

I lived in Juneau, Alaska for a year. When the tourists started coming off the tour boats, that's when the real fun began. I often had people who would ask me why Alaska was cold and Hawaii was hot because “they’re next to each other on the map”. It was shocking that even one person would ask such a thing, but countless tourists asking was unbearable.

I was also asked how to pet a bear. It was just wild.


Smart People Stupid Facts


4. Shell-Shocked

We had a new girl at work. She was horrified that we would eat the eggs that came from our chickens. She insisted that store-bought eggs were “normal good eggs”.

She then really blew my mind when she said she doesn't eat chicken and that she only buys hens. She about had a panic attack when I explained to her that a hen is just a female chicken. She was obviously very sheltered.


Alfred Hitchcock facts
