Employees Share The Horrible Things Their Bosses Did That Ruined Company Morale

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

Unfortunately, enjoying one’s job of choice can be difficult when one has a boss who doesn’t seem to care about the emotional and/or physical well-being of his/her employees.

Some managers will go to extreme lengths to make sure that everything under their watch is running smoothly—except the experience of those who work for them.

Don’t these people realize that their employees might work better and produce better results if they actually enjoy working for the company?

We could spend all day wishing all bosses were great, but maybe our time would be better spent reading these 42 examples of times that bad managers made some truly horrible moves that completely destroyed employee morale.

Employees Share Horrible Things facts

Kellogg Insight

42. This One Starts and Ends With a Beach

Boss pitched a sales incentive trip to Cancun if the team hit the goal. My team exceeded the goal, and then they cancelled the trip.

Two people quit, I accepted a position with their main competitor, and less than a year later, they closed in bankruptcy. Karma’s a beach.


Employees Share Horrible Things facts

Súper Humano

41. Taking Out the Trash

I work in a big corporate building. The same older lady came by everyone’s desk towards the end of the day to collect the trash.

Just the sweetest lady ever and every time she’d walk to my desk she’d give me a big smile and ask me how my day was and chat for a minute as she got my trash (usually I’d dump it in for her).

I had some rough days but she has a way to cheer me up and send me home on a higher note. I know I’m not the only one either.

So then a few weeks back our work implemented a new policy to "cut down on trash usage." It’s no longer allowed to have a trash bin at our desk and we have to walk across the room and use the community trash to throw anything away. Not a huge deal but the real reason they did it is so they can cut down on cost... i.e. the cleaning crew.
Sad to say that I haven’t seen Sharon since.


Employees Share Horrible Things facts

ServiceMaster of Wake County

40. Surprise! Nothing Works Right Anymore!

This school wanted to switch to Chromebooks. So what did they do? One summer while teachers weren't working, they removed every single Windows station and replaced them with Chromebooks to be issued to teachers. They were told to "figure it out."
When teachers came up and asked how they could teach Photoshop, programming, AutoCAD 3d modeling, etc., admin basically googled their program name plus "Chromebook extension" and told them "see? There's an extension for it and it works!" I don't think I have to add that it did not work.

They ended up bringing back the desktops for most teachers.


Employees Share Horrible Things facts


39. Maybe Find a Solution Instead of Adding to the Problem…

Put up a poster that said "Complaining is like vomiting. You feel better but everyone around you feels sick." The morale was already bad but it was just an awful way to take a hit at upset employees rather than do anything positive.


Employees Share Horrible Things facts
