Employees Of Crazy Rich People Reveal The Worst Behavior They Witnessed

“Fortune is like glass—the brighter the glitter, the more easily broken.”— Publilius Syrus.

In theory, money can’t buy class. In practice, money is actually very good at buying all the things to distract people from the fact that one has no class. But that requires work.

And we’ve already established everyone here is too rich and classless to do their own work.

Behind almost every rich person is a team of assistants ready to do their laundry, raise their kids, and managed their affairs—both financial and romantic.

Assistants and employees to society’s most privileged were asked to dish on their boss’s most absurd actions. The Internet’s beleaguered workers stepped forward to dish on the worst action their “betters.”

Their business may be lucrative, but their actions are lurid. Sometimes, things get messy… even bloody. Break the bank with these 42 scandalous stories about bad behavior from the rich and powerful.

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42. Punt This Hunter

I'm a little late to the party but I worked for a company where the employees were paid and treated like trash while the exec staff were paid like kings. They never paid for the cars they drove or the vacations they took.

Meals, equipment, guns, and pretty much anything else you could think of was paid for by the company.

Each year they would go on a company hunting trip to Africa. Every once in awhile they'd take a random trip to another country between their African trips.

They'd fly first class and stay in 5-star hunting lodges costing several thousand dollars per night per person. The hunting tags they bought were for animals like elephants, lions, cheetah, etc. These tags can cost upwards of $80,000 EACH.

The worst part about all of this is the animals were baited in and shot from a vehicle. No actual hunting involved.



41. Museum of Woe

Old Masters oil paintings, and modernist masterpieces—recognizable ones you studied in school—leaning up against the wall, stacked against each other. Also, the wife's $40,000 per place setting china from which she ate her boxed Mac & Cheese.

I should add that there were a dozen or more of these museum-quality paintings strewn carelessly about the nondescript den of their freaking beach house—with windows open to the sand and corrosive salt air.



40. Time is Money, or So They Say…

I work for a very wealthy family in the commercial real estate market and the one thing I have noticed is how much they lack a sense of time.

They have had people doing everything for them for so long they no longer realize how long it takes to complete a task. One example, "Hey take this deposit to Bank A it HAS to be deposited today!

Sir it's 4:50 they close at 5:00 and it is a 25-minute trip one way!"



39. Personal Piggy Bank

The director of my former company was a nice enough woman, but she used her position to get employees to do everything for her.

The head of Human Resources & Finance was required to help manage her personal bank accounts, enrol her children in school, book her holidays, EVERYTHING.

She also had a nanny for her younger kids who was somehow being paid through the company for tax purposes (and so she wouldn't have to outlay the money).

