I'll Never Live This Down: The Embarrassing Moments That Friends Won't Let Us Forget

These Redditors know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of a joke. From the littlest mistakes to big-time uh-ohs, they messed up so bad their friends will never let them live it down.

These hilarious stories go to show that a little friendly banter never hurt anyone, and can even give you a pretty funny story to tell. Here are 50 stories of friends making fun of friends.

1. Out of Your Weight Class

I once got drunk in Vancouver and complained about some kid crying loudly on the sky train. All I said was, "This is why I don't want kids" to our friend group, but to this day they insist I got up and picked a fight with the baby.


Embarrassing Moments facts


2. Everybody Walk the Dinosaur

When I walk sometimes my arms go up like Roger from American Dad (or like a t-rex) it’s a subconscious thing I don’t even realize I do and it’s mortifying and it’s only when I’m carrying something in one hand. This is why I have no friends lolol.


Embarrassing Moments facts


3. HBD Jesus

I have a friend who looked like Jesus back in high school. We all still message him on Christmas Eve to wish him a happy birthday.


Embarrassing Moments facts



I once went out to a fancy hotel with my friends and ate lunch at the restaurant. The waitress then asks us if we are outsiders. I proceed to say with confidence, "NO, WE ARE CITIZENS!" and they all laughed at me and always bring it up. Turns out "

outsiders " meant people who don’t sleep at the hotel. Je suis tres dumb.


Embarrassing Moments facts
