These Mega Embarrassing Moments Still Made Us Burst Out Laughing

We all have mega-embarrassing moments that make us wish we could join witness protection and never return to the scene where we humiliated ourselves. But not matter how bad we think we may have it...these stories are 100 times worse.

From bathroom mishaps to romantic failures, here are the most embarrassing moments these Redditors have ever experienced.

1. Lickety Split

I once saw a girl holding an ice cream cone in one hand, and her phone in the other. I guess she must have been daydreaming or something, because I then saw her absent-mindedly lick the screen of her phosne instead of the ice cream.

When we made eye contact and she realized that I had seen it happen, she looked like she was wanted the earth to swallow her.


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2. Basket Case

When I triumphantly scored in a basketball game when I was eight in front of a whole crowd—only to realize it was on the wrong hoop. I have considered asking my sister to formally sign a non-disclosure agreement.


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3. Mom’s Wand

My mom caught me playing Dungeons and Dragons this one time. Fine, whatever. But what I was holding made it the worst situation ever. I was a ten-year-old wood elf archmage, wielding the "wand" that I found tucked under mommy's bed. I think you can guess what that wand actually was. My mom was absolutely mortified.


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4. DIY Scratching Post

I was in my room after I showered and took off my towel. Me standing there naked found that my nuts were a bit itchy. How might I fix this problem? I looked to the ground and found a Lego.

I start doing this—and then all of a sudden my mom bursts in and stands staring at me. She just said, "Okay" and walked out.


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Wikimedia Commons, Arto Alanenpää