Embarrassed People Explain Why They Can Never Shop Somewhere Again

Human beings can be very silly. As much as we like to have things a certain way, we also seem to have an infinite capacity for sabotaging our ability to actually get them. Case in point?

Someone can have a store or restaurant that they absolutely love, yet do something so stupid while there that they can never dare to show their face again.

Not being able to go back to your favorite businesses is no fun for the person who's actually involved. But hearing about how things devolved to that point? That's a lot of fun for the rest of us! So get in loser. We're going shopping.

Here are 42 epic stories about the craziest, most hilarious reasons that people can no longer visit their favorite stores and restaurants.

1. Cutting the Cheese Instead of the Hair

Do barbershops count? I once decided to get a haircut whilst having a cold. During the haircut, I sneezed and farted at the same time. Never went back.


Can't Shop There Facts


2. From First to Worst

I once had a fling with a fella who worked at my favorite store, and it didn't end well. I learned an important lesson about “not pooping where you eat” as the saying goes.


Tipping Point in Relationship facts


3. Coffee Break

I'm at a coffee shop, with a glass of coffee sitting in front of me filled right to the top. I mean, good to get my money's worth but that cup is almost overflowing and I'm not the most graceful person. I'm in what Top Gun calls "the danger zone."

I raise my hand to get the waitress' attention and accidentally whack the heck out of the glass.

This sends it flying across the room. It hits the waitress on the thigh and gets coffee everywhere. I felt so bad that I left and never went back.


Can't Shop There Facts


4. Put Your Hands Together

My girlfriend once fist-bumped the clerk when he was actually just reaching over to grab a paper we had just signed.

Anyway, we don’t go there anymore...


Can't Shop There Facts
