The Apple Fell Far: Smart Kids Reveal Their Parents’ Dumbest Moments

As innocent and wide-eyed little kids, we assume that our parents know everything. Then, as we grow up, there may be a certain moment where we realize that isn’t true—and some of us get hit with that realization harder than others.

These Redditors shared stories of the moments they came to the conclusion that their moms and dads might be a little—or a lot—denser than they thought.

1. This One Falls Flat

The first time I realized that my parents might not be that smart was when I saw my father’s Facebook profile for the first time. He had a significant number of posts explaining all about how the earth is flat. It was so bad that my grandfather actually made a shocking request: he told my dad to change his name since my dad was named after him.


Dumb parents facts


2. A Drink a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

When I was about 14 years old, my dad once told me that drinking your own pee everyday is healthy for you. Like how?

Both my mom and I spent almost two full hours explaining to him why that was not actually healthy and why he should not ever consider doing that. Luckily, at least my mom has some common sense!


Dumb parents facts


3. Calendar Girl

My father got extremely excited one day and sent me a text to let me know he had heard that this was the only year in history where your age plus the year you were born equals the current year.

I patiently told him that I had a lot going on right now and didn't have time to start looking up nursing homes for him.


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4. This One Will Make Your Blood Boil

I was out for dinner with my parents one time when my mom suddenly started to feel really unwell. We took her to the emergency room for chest pains and she was subsequently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

While we were all there, the physician was asking my mom about her family’s medical history and whether anyone had suffered from diabetes in her family before.

My dad, who happened to be a little drunk at the time, asked if his family history would affect her. They're obviously not related by blood. The physician just looked at him for a few seconds and then calmly said no.


Dumb parents facts
