Drivers Share Their Freakiest Stories About Being On The Road At Night

Roads are simultaneously the busiest and quietest spaces of our world; just compare the hustle of rush-hour to the eerie calm of nighttime drives. But what lurks behind our country’s twisted paths and deer crossings?

Reddit asked drivers of the world to share the scariest thing they’ve seen while on the road in the dark.

From the half-naked hitchhikers to trigger-happy tailgaters, buckle that seatbelt to 42 chilling stories about the freakiest things seen while driving at night.

42. Lady Look-See

This woman was on the side of the road and asked me to come look at her car, which was parked in a large turn-off. I asked what was wrong and she just kept saying to come look.

I apologized and drove away, and she just stood there while I drove away. More weird than scary but it was night in the country and I was alone. I offered to call someone for her, but she said no.


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34. Face the Facts

I felt like something was following me, but I couldn't tell why. Later, I was at a stop light and a weird looking masked face slammed onto my window with gloved hands and screamed and disappeared quickly afterward.

I couldn't focus on anything else, so I had to find a hotel and sleep there even though I felt like I was still being followed and watched.


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41. The High in Highway

I was driving to work at 3 in the morning—I work at an airport—and I was in the middle lane doing 70 MPH when a lady ran AT my car, in the middle of a highway, waving her arms.

I swerved into the left lane so fast I couldn’t believe I didn’t hit her later and kept going. I would have stopped, I really would have, but something in her face didn’t say, “I need help.” It was more “

I’m on massive amounts of illegal substances.” When I got to my lot ten minutes later I called 911 and told them what happened. I never heard anything or saw anything in the papers, so I assume she wandered away.


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39. Up, Up, and Away

I thought I was driving into Silent Hill when the road looked like it was flaking off and blowing away.

Just Nebraska after harvest and the dried husks where blowing away.


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